Review: Astralvm “Awakening”

Review: Astralvm “Awakening”

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A cosmic journey through space and time… As I am writing this review, it’s not often that I listen to older material before listening to newer material; as usually I find out about a band I’ve never heard of through their most recent release. That being the case for “Awakening”. I was so deeply moved by all that I was hearing in listening to this song, I knew that I just had to review it. To get a much-needed perspective of what Egon Gubernatis’ other music was like, I took a step back in time, to really check out Astralvm‘s discography. Astralvm has been around for a few years, and I’m just now hearing of this band. I’m very thankful for the YouTube channel that premiered “Awakening”; as I fear if it had not been for that, I never would have heard about Astralvm, I’m pretty sure. Quite honestly, it was the very beautiful album art that called out to me, just begging for me to listen to it. And when I did, well…

…time literally stood still. Tears just started coming, I couldn’t stop crying throughout the whole song… I was a literal mess of emotions, the passion was just so strong and intense! The atmosphere, so thick and prevalent. The riffs so harrowing and free-flowing. The ambiance, so cosmic and other-worldly, strikingly beautiful. “Awakening” is beautiful… as beautiful as if you were listening to, say… Beethoven’s 9th symphony “Ode to Joy”… I’m not kidding. This song is very reminiscent of epic, symphonic bliss! After I had listened to this song once, I couldn’t help but to keep on hitting repeat, well over thirty-something times, in a row.

There is an official video, on Astralvm‘s YouTube channel that to get the full enriching experience of this song, I very highly suggest that you head on over there and watch it. Profoundly, a visual spectacle you would just have to witness for yourself. So stunning are the landscapes, so much fulfilling atmosphere to intake. It has become one of my absolute favorite videos to watch. Extremely, very captivating.

With all that I’ve listened to from Astralvm at this point, I sincerely hope that a full-length album will be somewhere, just over the horizon. As I crave so much more of his music. Immensely, so much more.

Release date: December 2nd, 2020

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About the author

I play (Alliance-side) on World of Warcraft. Love my cat Amatue. Love spiders and scorpions. Collect cassettes and vintage cassette players. Favorite bands: Totale Vernichtung/Vicarivs Filii Dei/Hermóðr / Favorite genres: Black Metal/Dark Ambient. Support the underground!!

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