Review: Black Sun Brotherhood “God & Beast” [Metal Blast Records]

Review: Black Sun Brotherhood “God & Beast” [Metal Blast Records]

- in Reviews

How about some occult and evil blackened thrash? With some heavy riffs, weird vocals and satanic rituals?

There is a definite heaviness and evil atmosphere in this album. You’re definitely informed of that in the first track, Might is Right, which starts with some religious chanting, immediately followed by wild thrashing riffs and lyrics with such an over the top “survival of the fittest” message that it has to be a parody of that mindset. And the rest of the album follows, with an even better mix of wild thrash and evil and mysterious-sounding music, meant as a soundtrack for satanic rituals.

So get ready for some face-melting heaviness, from the wild drumming of Witches Sabbath to the crazy speed of Vengeance is Mine and Love is a Demon. This is like thrash metal, but one step further. You can also hear that from the vocals, which sound more like thrash metal’s fast-paced speak-screaming than actual growls, but have a sort of distorted and evil tone, and are delivered in a sort of weird gasp-screaming that, of course, also sounds more evil, and easily recognizable. You hear that voice and you’ll always think of fast and evil music that gets you pumped up and lets you release all your energy and anger.

But there is another vocal style on this album: the satanic choral singing. They can be heard on various tracks, even the faster ones, but they are mostly present on the longer, slower and more ritualistic tracks. Those are tracks like Witches Sabbath, Leviathan, and Sol Invictus. They sound dark, threatening and like a satanic ceremony is really taking place next to you. They also have something that reminds me of early Cradle of Filth, or Celtic Frost’s Monotheist album. Some cool creepy stuff.

They are by far the most interesting and impressive tracks of the album. But the most impressive of all would have to be the last one, Litanies to Satan, a musical adaptation of Baudelaire’s Litanies de Satan. This one has the darkest-sounding and most complex music, the most evil-sounding vocals, and it has managed to make the poem feel truly big and evil. It’s the creepiest and you can’t take stop listening to it. Can’t take your ears off it. Seriously, listen to the whole album until the end just to hear this one.

In conclusion, this was a really great surprise. Witches and demons and weird voices and creepy poetry, oh yeah. I really recommend this one. Not every track is as great as the others, but they all have a great evil atmosphere, and I recommend you really, really wait till the end of this album. You won’t regret this.

Release date: September 11th, 2020 (CD) / September 18th, 2020 (Digital)

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