Review: Byron “Chapter II: The Lotus Covenant” [The Goatmancer Records]

Review: Byron “Chapter II: The Lotus Covenant” [The Goatmancer Records]

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Score 80%
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Finland’s BYRON returns with their second full-length album early this year. I had heard about this band before but never listened to their music, so this is my first time doing so!

The album opener, “Overture,” gave me the impression that there would be some traditional heavy metal in the style of 80s classics, played by muscle-bound musicians, haha! But I was almost wrong. Byron plays an interesting fusion of heavy doom metal with noticeable NWOBHM touches.

All I can say is that I was really impressed by what I heard on Chapter II: The Lotus Covenant. It’s almost traditional doom metal, with an occult atmosphere, a memorable rhythm section, and strong, emotional female vocals, among other features. Thematically (feel free to check out the cover art as well 😉 ), the album delves into Stephen King’s realms, inspired by the “Pet Sematary” novel – or, to be precise, the 2019 movie remake. This influence adds a dark, eerie vibe that complements their sound.

The entire album has a genuinely occult atmosphere and a powerful metal layer. It sometimes invites listeners into a cascade of measured yet raging rhythms, and at other times intrigues with lighter tracks like “Sword Of The Apostle” – a seven-minute-long piece that starts with relatively light music but transforms into a kind of marching heavy doom after approximately two minutes of playtime, eventually incorporating some progressive elements; also “The Golden Galley” if you wish.

There are different emotions that linger after listening to the album. At first, I thought it was sufficient, but on the other hand, I felt like a couple more songs would have provided complete emotional satisfaction. Nonetheless, I enjoyed these seven tracks, gained many impressions, and if you missed this album, I advise you to listen to it alone without any distractions. Just sink into the atmosphere of Chapter II: The Lotus Covenant.

In conclusion, this album should be listened to by all fans who love an occult atmosphere and heavy doom metal with progressive touches played with 80s vibes. Really impressive and memorable!

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About the author

As a passionate devotee of heavy, psychedelic, avant-garde and progressive sounds, my enthusiasm for music journalism has been steadily building since 2020. My writing has encompassed a broad spectrum, ranging from in-depth analyses of album releases to illuminating interviews with exciting new artists on the scene. During my leisure hours, I relish attending live concerts and delving into the thriving local music scene in my Zurich community.

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