Review: Deathcrush “Hell”

Review: Deathcrush “Hell”

- in Reviews

Death metal is quite discrepant genre. Nowadays members of famous bands unite for death metal formations and start to play classical Florid death. For example: Bloodbath (members of Katatonia, Opeth, Hypocrisy, Edge Of Sanity, and Paradise Lost from 2014), grindy Lock Up (members of Napalm Death, Ancient, Brujeria, Hypocrisy, PAIN) and Vallenfire (Paradise Lost‘s Greg Mackintosh project).

The main issue is that this genre, which gave such bands like Vader, Nile, Benediction, Deicide and great Morbid Angel, that form of death metal is quite obsolete. Though, as many musicians are playing exactly classical death metal more often, there is some lack of this brutal massacre on modern heavy scene.

Deathcrush are from Italian commune Bessude, which plays death metal with some black metal touch.  On November, 24 their second LP ‘Hell’ will be released by The Spew Records (Punishment 18 daughter label). With their first album Collective Brain Infektion’ (2013) they played in Austria, Germany and their home country Italy sharing the stage with bands like Hour Of Penance, Natron and Obituary. On their Facebook page musicians mention that they are inspired by old school death metal.

‘Hell’ is arranged such way, that the further in timing, the more black metal component can be found. Roughly speaking, the band starts to play Deicide-style and gradually change its playing style for Behemoth. Music is technical and severe. Especially I want to highlight the drummer Giampiero Serra’s work: he delivers machine gun blast beats and masterly works with bass drum. Andrea Sechi’s guitar sounds meaty and voluminously, that can be heard great in black metal passages. Bassist Luigi Cara also delivers quite severe death metal growl, which connects the music in one monstrous construction.

An album doesn’t offer something fundamentally new. These albums, per se, are distilled nostalgia for an era, when every year some new style in metal was created. Lyrics are also about Satanism, death, suffering and other things that we love. But with this Hell’ is good and isn’t annoying. Sometimes there are expressly old-fashioned synth bells and symphonic strings. All of this sounds very monolithic and reconciled. Some kind of “back to the roots” with modern record and mix.

Recommended for old school death metal fans or those who want to feel a bygone era of heavy music’s down.



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