Review: DEVIL “To The Gallows”

Review: DEVIL “To The Gallows”

- in Reviews

DEVIL “To The Gallows”
Soulseller Records

There’s something charismatic and intoxicating about Devil. Sounds like the devil himself right? But in all seriousness, Devil is incredibly memorable, unique and of course heavy and with “To the Gallows” they show off their heavy rocking and grim style of play for nine straight songs. This is a release that gets you right from the get go and gets you involved with your head nodding and ultimately you end up just getting lost in their music. Once you begin listening, Devil takes over as they take you on a hard and heavy rocking ride straight to your demise.

With “To the Gallows” there is absolutely no filler what so ever. Devil roll out song after song and each is just as solid as the last which ultimately makes for one hell of a great listen. This release is wholly entertaining and very easy to sink into and listen to until your heart is content, which is never because you end up pressing the play button over and over again. Just like the devil himself, this release coerces you and persuades you to keep listening and really you don’t try to oppose the will of Devil and you ultimately press the button with your own will, or against it.

“To the Gallows” is a wonderfully grim good time. Each song ends up getting stuck in your head and while you are out and about during the day-or night-you will find yourself playing the air guitar and singing each song. This release is an undeniably infectious one that grabs your attention straight away and keeps it all throughout the listen. There definitely isn’t a song on this release that you would want to skip or even think about skipping as each and every song is solid, heavy and very well constructed.

With heavy, solid riffs coupled with great solos, heavy bass lines, great drumming and powerful vocals, “To the Gallows” is a gut punch of heavy rock with heavy metal influences of course. Each song is woven together very well and with great production you ultimately get a listen that is just purely entertaining that you really can sit and listen to for hours. Devil has created something here that is genuine, heavy and highly memorable and I would recommend that you keep an eye out for this record.

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About the author

Just a heavy metal loving dude who has been into metal since I've been born! Love to listen to heavy metal, write about it, the heavier the better!

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