Review: Ektomorf “Fury”

Review: Ektomorf “Fury”

- in Reviews

In December 2017 Ektomorf surprised with the news about changing mostly all line-up changing. Nevertheless, the band don’t mind to split, no! So, it’s 2018, fresh blood and a new album named ‘Fury’.

Today Ektomorf (although, it’ll be more correct to write “Zoltán Farkas’ Ektomorf”) is: mastermind Zoltán Farkas (guitars, vocals), Szebasztián Simon (guitars), Attila Asztalos (bass) and Dániel Szabó (drums). However, it shouldn’t be expected of some changes in music – Zoltán Farkas is loyal to himself and his work.

The new album ‘Fury’ contains ten songs, full off groove, aggression and thick sound (in many respects Zoltán’s eight strings guitar plays here a considerable role). Also here can be heard an influence of Max Cavalera, probably Zoltán’s idol: smooth rhythm, groovy riffs and overstately “primitive” approach to arrangements. Well, this, maybe, played an evil joke: the album has a great sound, it’s full of hate and it’s powerful, but it’s too smooth, too predictable and too boring. This also highlighted with some songs names, like every third metal band had one of these: “Bullet In Your Head”, “Blood For Blood”, “Tears Of Christ”.

With this, it can’t be said that the album is completely filler: it has a great opener “The Prophet Of Doom”, much groovier “AK-47” with a slower tempo, but after that I couldn’t get away of feeling that the guys got the fuses and inspiration only for the first song, less for second, but the others were wrote only to expand time for an LP.

At the same time I want to say one more time that Zoli is loyal to himself and continues to bring his ideas in a form that seems right to him. And if some songs are sound vapidly in a record, I’m sure that they will be good played live. So do not rush to bury Ektomorf, his last words will be said not soon.

‘Fury’ will be released on February, 16 via AFM Records.

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