Review: GOTHMINISTER “The Other Side”

Review: GOTHMINISTER “The Other Side”

- in Reviews

AFM records

The way it works here at Antichrist, is that all the review albums are listed in a group for all the writers to look at and if you want to review something, you make a claim on said album and the boss man sends it to you.

I grabbed this album as I thought my better half, who also writes for the site, was a fan… when in fact she didn’t know them at all. Which may explain why I’m covering the album, and I know nothing about them either.

But, by default, I’ve just made a fabulous discovery.

Opener, Ich Will Alles, (and don’t get fooled by the German song titles, the band are actually from Norway) has the drive of Rammstein, but the darker than black vocals remind me of Type O Negative’s late frontman, Pete Steele.  This is followed by The Sun, which is like an electronic version of The Sisters of Mercy

So yes, Gothminster are somewhere between Industrial and Gothic Metal, with an ear towards the more commercial end of the spectrum.

While the music of Gothminster is nothing new to these ears, they are really good at what they do. They have borrowed the best bits from a number of high profile bands and what they’ve created is of the very highest quality.

Where Gothminster come into their own is with the orchestral side of their sound, which Dimmu Borgir would probably be jealous of. The Other Side has a huge sound and if the music of Gothminster is anywhere near what you normally listen to, you cannot fail to be impressed by what they’ve served up here.

And as she who must be obeyed loves all the bands I’ve mentioned in this review, I think she might be checking out Gothminster after all…

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About the author

Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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