Review: IPERYT “The Patchwork Gehinnom”

Review: IPERYT “The Patchwork Gehinnom”

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IPERYT “The Patchwork Gehinnom”
Pagan Records

It’s album number three for Iperyt, which is the Polish word for Iprit, more commonly known as mustard gas… which may give you a clue or two that this album is not crammed full of ballads.

Quite the opposite: In fact, this is (in places) so heavy that I can only play it when I’m the mood for some aural destruction. If I need some downtime, this is not the album I will be playing.

Trying to pigeonhole this is impossible as well… while it has the attitude of Black Metal, as well as all-out war, the drum (machine) is set to overdrive and it would give most Industrial bands a scare or two. The vocals have a jackboot siege mentality, with the pseudonym of People Hater being quite an apt moniker.

Yet despite all of the hatred that spews out of this release, Iperyt, can still bring things down a notch or two, like they do on From Nowhere To Nowhere… and the calming, yet menacing, feel adds depth to this release.

For the most part though, they are kicking down doors, cracking heads and causing general carnage and destruction. The Industrial flavours work really well with the Metal and when they move into overdrive, like on the opener, Phantom Black Dogs, or on the more groove laden, Devil’s Violent Breed, (which is like The Prodigy on a murder spree),  they are untouchable.

I very nearly missed out on this album. Were it not for our editor sending me a track to play on the radio show, this would have passed me by completely… so don’t let that happen to you…

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