Review: Kohti Tuhoa “Pelon neljäs valtakunta”

Review: Kohti Tuhoa “Pelon neljäs valtakunta”

- in Reviews

Kohti Tuhoa “Pelon neljäs valtakunta”
Svart records

Sometimes an album review needs a huge flowery intro, a detailed history of the band and of course, a novel on how they’ve progressed from humble beginnings to be the world beaters they are now.

Well, you’ll get none of that shit here.

This is album number 2 for Finland’s Kohti Tuhoa and it’s 12 tracks of furious Hardcore Punk, blasted out in about 20 minutes.

They also have a female singer… sorry, female shouter. And she’s every bit as vitriolic as her male counterparts… possibly even more aggressive than most guys.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all you really need to know… but I‘ll throw in a personal opinion as well. After all, this is supposed to be a review.

This really is a fun blast. It’s high as fuck, on octane and most songs blast like there’s no tomorrow, mainly for just over a minute. The only time they deviate from this formula is for the closing number, Jotain sisältä rikki. Which at almost 4 minutes long, is an epic compared to the others and it varies in sound from mid-paced Punk to demented Space Rock.

The rhythm section is Punk as fuck, and I’m a big fan of the drums. Mainly as I grew up with the original round of Punk bands. And the core of their sound originates from there, with a tough Hardcore edge. And of course adding a different angle with the aggressive female vocals.

So if you love quick bursts of energy, give these guys (and gal) a blast or two.

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Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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