Review: L’Homme Absurde “Monsters”

Review: L’Homme Absurde “Monsters”

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lhomme-absurdeL’Homme Absurde “Monsters”

Russian post black metal band L’Homme Absurde was founded not so long ago, in 2015. At first it was one man project, but in 2016 the band’s founder A. with other musicians recorded their first demo with the self-title name. The first LP Monsters was released in October, 25. Monsters contains eight songs, that will take the listener to the abyss of sincere suffering with their melancholic atmosphere.

In 2015, A. (drummer in Mare Infinitum, Who Dies In Siberian Slush, Comatose Vigil) created L’Homme Absurde. For the album’s record he extended the line-up, that is: A. – vocals, Georgiy Bykov (mastermind and guitarist Mare Infinitum) – guitars, Isod – guitars and Yuri S. – bass. Monsters was released by Russian label Fono ltd.

From the first seconds and through all 50 minutes of an album listener’s heart will die and resurrect with heady and viscous, saturated music. Light and invisible melancholy covers the listener. Guitars that playing clean and distorted sounds at the same time are leading to euphoria, it sounds very deep and pathetical. Tremolo and blast beats that goes from drumsticks and picks like bullets from machine gun are breaking from inside, so depressive nature just can’t handle this melancholic motives and the listener feels empty. This mournful mess sounds real great. And there is one more paradox: wild and depressive music «suck» the entire negative from the listener and leave him only pure, untouched mind. Rhythm-section disappears on lyrical digressions and creates a feeling of flight, or thoughtfully maintains musical «dialog».

Incredibly piercing vocals are matching ideal with all instrumental parties, creating a great polyphony. Also I need to say that some notes from shoegaze and blackgaze are clearly traced. Tracks are built great and very intricately. Diversity and uniqueness of every composition is the band’s feature. Broken pace and sharp passages makes the listener to listen to the music and not just put it on a background.

Conceptual album Monsters from Russian «simplicity» fans L’Homme Absurde is made in the best French depressive black metal and post black metal traditions. Worth listening, so don’t pass by!

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