Review: Novareign “Legends” [M-Theory Audio]

Review: Novareign “Legends” [M-Theory Audio]

- in Reviews

I may be among the minority when I say that I wasn’t overly impressed by Legends from Novareign. While the musicianship isn’t particularly lacking anything, the overly lengthy composition and technical issues never let’s this release be anything above average. And there is also the lack of something original, which just holds everything back.

Novareign does everything according to the formula. They blend progressive metal with power and create something here their influences are very apparent (Dragonforce, Helloween, Angra, Dream Theater etc.). While their execution is very good and these guys are definitely talented in their ways, the overall similarity with their influences never lets them create something truly remarkable.

The band creates very intense and passionate music at times. The guitarist duo Danny Nobel and Balmore really showcase their technicality and skills with jamming riffs after riffs in each song, and there is neither any lack of good solos. Paul Contreras does excellent works on drums providing the real force behind the music and creating a relentless atmosphere that the band was aiming for. While David Marquez might lack that certain bit of individuality, yet he is a perfect example of a good power metal vocalist. I would have loved a bit more clean singing from him though.

There are truly moments in the album that demands repeated listens and the band often shows their ability to make the blood pumping. But, the songs as a whole are just too long, and wondering when a song is going to end in between listens in never a good thing for me. The vocalist focuses too much on creating high pitch and even makes it a bit annoying at times. The drumming while excellent, seems a bit too loud at times, almost overshadowing the rest.

Despite all the negatives mentioned by me, Novareign does have a lot of potential for sure. If they just focus on originality and be a bit tight with their recording they could be a force to reckon with in the future. But at the moment, sadly these guys are just neither really unique nor memorable.

Best tracks – ‘Mace of A Fist’, ‘Heavy Heart’, ‘Skyline’, ‘The Builder’ etc.

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Score 60%
60 %
User Rating : 5 (1 votes)

About the author

I have been listenting to all kinds of metal and rock music for more than 14 years now. Besides music I am also interested in fantasy & sci-fi books, comics, mangas, rpgs and fighting games. I have been writing about these for almost four years on my blog now. In my other life I work as a physician for the government in Bangladesh and am quite grumpy.

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