Review PROLL GUNS “Horseflesh BBQ” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review PROLL GUNS “Horseflesh BBQ” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews


PROLL GUNS “Horseflesh BBQ”
NRT Records

With Austrian Metal scene is a little similar situation like with French one. It has a lot to offer, but from some mysterious reasons bands from this country are known to relatively small number of Metalheads from outside of Austria. I have no idea why it’s like that! The fact is that it was always the same. Well, but this is subject for longer dispute with Austrian Metalheads and maybe also owners of labels…

Here we haven’t place for that! Especially that in my speakers I hear something what is interesting piece of Metal. It’s the second full-length of PROLL GUNS. Unfortunately I know nothing about their date of birth, but it was surely at least few months before 22nd November 2013 when they released their debut album – “And Western Blood Runs”. A little earlier they recorded demo entitled the same as an album, anyway. Than after two years EP “Fucking Troublemaker” saw light of the day. And now we have “Horseflesh BBQ”.

By the way, guys met each other in band called LOW CHI. Group finished its existence in 2012. So P. G. probably was formed on ruins of L. C., but I’m not sure of that. However, as I can hear and read in their press kit they’re fascinated by Billy the Kid, Jesse James and in general all what with westerns has to do. But I don’t know why they tell only about Texas. As I know so called Wild West was much more than only this state (which became part of USA in 1845, by the way), but… Also lyrics or way in which they call their music tells about it. Guys use term Rock’N’Western Roll Metal. On their profile of Encyclopedia I found information formerly they called it by Western Thrash Metal. Well, this name is better in my opinion coz this is just Thrash Metal. Some smoking hot saloon’s (as guys call it) atmosphere is here, but it’s still Thrash Metal. And here there’s something what makes me confused, something what yield a question. Why the hell they changed describing of their music for more complicated?!? Especially that “Rock’N’Western Roll Metal” says practically nothing and only fog the case. That’s right, it sounds originally, but…

Bernd “The Burner” Mösenbichler plays guitar in very energetic way. Riffs are mostly easy and repeatable. It doesn’t of course mean that he plays all and whole the time in the same monotonous and boring way! Besides, especially in this kind of Thrash Metal which we can also call Alcoholic Metal some displays and even more solos aren’t welcome. Sometimes, more or less in middle of songs (but not all) riffs became a little more various, also ends of some songs even if they’re quite typical are his “five minutes”. Very interesting idea, and connoting the music with cowboys’ culture and lifestyle, is using banjo. Well, at least it sounds like that. It doesn’t happen in all songs and is rather subtle, hidden in some way in background, but very well hearable. The first song on this album, “Texas Banjo Massacre”, begins just from playing of this instrument. It surely makes music more complete, connect it with lyrics.

Also Cra-“Y”-Maker plays drums in very energetic, so typical for Thrash Metal way. His play is as variable as possible in such music. We have here some passages, changes of tempo… Bassist (Evil Ed) gives a lot of energy, too. About vocals took care both Evil Ed and The Burner, but first of all this first one, I guess. Anyway, it’s as energetic as rest of the music. He sings by clean, but a little hoarse and a little guzzle voice (I can’t see in that anything strange if the main interests of PROLL GUNS’ members are whiskey and tequila) which is just ideal for this music! It harmonizes very well with music and gives effect which guys surely wanted to get.

Thrash Metal fans should be happy as hell after listening to this album. I’m sure of that even if it’s not as typical as for example MORTILLERY, but at the moment I can’t remind me with who I should compare them to give them super clear picture of what should they expect here (especially “From Texas To Hell” sounds very familiar for me –almost like a cover of something). By the way, I like it!!!


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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