Review IN MOURNING “Afterglow” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review IN MOURNING “Afterglow” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews


IN MOURNING “Afterglow”
Agonia Records

Again in my new country – Sweden! Almost in the middle of this country is located province called Dalarna and one of main cities there is Falun. City has quite long history (town was known from fourteenth century, but officially it became city in 1641) and it always was and still is important industrial city. It’s also known for fans of several sports –mostly winter ones, but there live also famous Swedish athletes. Anyway, Metal musicians live there, too. The fact is that they play/played in bands from other cities, but transportation in Sweden works well, so… However IN MOOURNING has its base in Falun.

Band was formed in 2000 and there play really experienced musicians. Of course during these 16 years I. M. didn’t avoid changes in line-up. But it wasn’t something what happened often and that’s why band could improve, record another releases and so on. From founders there’re only Pierre Stam (bass,) and Tobias Netzell (guit, voc). “Newcomers” are: Björn Pettersson (guit – 11 years in the band), Tim Nedergård (guit – 10 years) and Daniel Liljekvist (dr – 2 years). As I mentioned before they’re all experienced musicians, but I afraid that name pf only one band in which played Daniel will tell something to the most of you – KATATONIA. I’d like to be wrong, but I guess that the rest of bands are well-known to maniacs mostly in Sweden. By the way, music which plays IN MOURNING is easy and hard in the same time to classify. It’s easy coz we have here piece of Melodic Death Metal. But it’s also hard coz we have something more here.

“Afterglow” is their fourth album and it took four years for guys to release it (via Polish AGONIA RECORDS). It seems that they hadn’t luck before releasing their first album ever “Shrouded Divine” – they was waiting long eight years and five demos or that. Anyway, their newest masterpiece contains seven long songs (total time is 53.46).

Well, to be honest you’ll don’t feel it during listening to this album at all. Songs’ structure is very varied. I hear clearly huge influence of Doom Metal or even Gothic which band played on the beginning in them. Anyway, adjective “progressive” which guys uses to describe their music is right one. Sometimes it’s hearable in riffs. They’re not as complicated as in some bands which play progressive music (which is impossible to hear “thanks” to it). Anyway, in general guitars play heavy ones and we know very well that we have with Metal to do! Of course from time to time, I have impression that in biggest level in “Afterglow”, we have here calmed playing which quite hardly can be connected with any kind of Metal. But they’re only short intermezzos. By the way, it has mostly “this” climate. Also drums and bass play in very various ways.

Vocal is what I connote most of all with Doom. It’s mostly something what we could call scream-growling, maybe a little psychedelic, hysteric… From time to time Tobias sing with clean voice – in these calmer, maybe even Rock parts of some songs. Tempo is all the time slow, but we can hear aggression and specific brutality in the same time. That’s why I agree with guys that it’s definitely Death Metal. I know that some of you after hearing I.  M. will tell: “What the fuck he’s talking about?!? CANNIBAL CORPSE plays Death Metal and it’s some…”, but it doesn’t change my opinion! Death Metal has different faces and all of them are beauty!!! Who remember PAN-THY-MONIUM will probably find some similarities – at least I did it.

OK, the fact is that to describe very carefully all what happens on “Afterglow” I’d need to write at least novella. We haven’t time for it and I also think that nobody would like to read another few pages… ehehehehehehe…



(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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