Review: Ravager “Eradicate… Annihilate… Exterminate…”

Review: Ravager “Eradicate… Annihilate… Exterminate…”

- in Reviews

I was always wondered that young bands still playing some oldschool (if not to say «outdated») heavy music genres. In case of young band Ravager it’s good oldschool thrash metal. However, given the location of band members (Walsrode, Lower Saxony (D)), there are less questions: thrash metal was always in quite great request, with a quite strong scene.

Ravager was formed in 2014, and after some line-up changes they started to rehearse actively. In 2015 their first demo EP ‘Alarm Clock Terror’ was released, and the band continue to work hard on their debut album Eradicate… Annihilate… Exterminate…’. So today Ravage is: Marcel Lehr (guitars),  Philip Herbst (vocals), Dario Rosenberg (guitars), Justus Mahler (bass) и André Sawade (drums).

As I said, Eradicate… Annihilate… Exterminate…’ contains ten tracks of great oldschool thrash. Speed playing, technical and energy delivered music, that inherent to young and purposeful musicians – these are the main advantages of an album. However there is one more important thing in Ravager‘s music: melody. And it’s as much as it necessary to make the album interesting to listen. With this Eradicate… Annihilate… Exterminate…’ is precisely thrash metal, that isn’t going to extreme tedious of 200 bpm pecking and staying in style frames.

The album’s lack, as for me, is its recording quality. It can’t be said it’s bad, but the sound is too «dry», sound’s depth and basses aren’t enough. Somehow it reminds ‘Kill ‘Em All’ sound. Of course it can be said «Hey, it’s oldschool!», but it’s 2017, and standards had changed from 1981. However, it does not spoil the overall impression from the album, and it can be safely dismissed.

To sum up, it can be said that Ravager is a worthy legacy of Dreigestirn Des Thrash: young, aggressive and purposeful.  

Eradicate… Annihilate… Exterminate…’ will be released in February, 17-th by Iron Shield Records.

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Bikes, Music, Alcohol and Anarchy. Also books, gigs, traveling and alcohol one more time.

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