Review SARCOFAGO “Rotting” (Re-Release) (by Ivona Bogner)

Review SARCOFAGO “Rotting” (Re-Release) (by Ivona Bogner)

- in Reviews


SARCOFAGO “Rotting” (Re-Release)
Greyhaze Records

When EP “Rotting” was released, I was 10 years old. Of course, I was just starting listening metal, and mostly I was listening Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P, Alice Cooper… Sarcófago came years later when I discovered black metal. And that was the period when we were listening audio cassettes. Oh, how I miss Side A and Side B!

Rotting included 6 songs, three at each side:
Side A:
1.      The lust
2.      Alcoholic Coma
3.      Tracy
Side B:
1.      Rotting
2.      Sex, Drinks & Metal
3.      Nightmare

EP “Rotting” was technically at higher level than their previous album “I.N.R.I.” (Cogumelo, 1987). It starts with extra short “The Lust” (0:29) and continues with songs that last over 6 minutes each, except “Sex, Drinks & Metal”. This EP brought visual changes: no corpse paint and bullet belts anymore. Cover art was amazing, but still forbidden in Europe. Jesus Christ being kissed by Death and rotting like any other human was more than a reason to banish cover art in Europe. Lyrics are good enough but not mind blowing. Of course, they sing about anti-religious (“Rotting”), necrophilia (“Tracy”) and sex and drugs (“Sex, Drinks & Metal”, “Alcoholic Coma”).

I have no idea do students of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte, Brazil know, but their economic science and applied statistics professor, Wagner Lamounier, ripped his throat singing in Sarcófago. Once most influential musician, today highly respected professor, Wagner Lamounier created with his band mates fast, aggressive, creative, inspirational music. They were ahead of time.

Reasons to buy “Rotting” in 2016? I doubt any of you still have working audio cassettes player. If you never had it, the reason to buy it is that “Rotting” is part of metal history.

“Rotting” will be released on digipak format with bonus DVD.


(c) Ivona Bogner

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