Review: Six Feet Under “Torment”

Review: Six Feet Under “Torment”

- in Reviews

“Forceful and brutal killing machine named Six Feet Under stated its’ engine in the 12-th time and ready to leave you in torment” – that’s how I’d like to start the review, but, alas, I can’t for some reasons. Let me explain my attitude.

Once again changing the band’s line-up (properly speaking, it’s not a band but for a long time it’s a project), Chris Barnes decide to open a medical handbook once again and please his fans with brutal dismembering, laconically named ‘Torment’.

This time Jeff Hughell (guitar, bass) и Marco Pitruzelli (drums) are responsible for music. And the musical component have absolutely no complaints – it made on the highest level. The songs are in quite slow pace, but with this there are drums solo (“Schizomaniac”), interesting bass passages (“Exploratory Homicide”) and groovy riffs. Vocals are also ok, it’s a  low and illegible growling from Barnes, who looks like a live illustration to any Six Feet Under  album at his age of 50. So not music, not vocals are the problem.

The main leak of this album is that it’s totally boring and full of self-cribs. There is a strong feeling while listening, that all of this already was somewhere and you’ve heard it somewhere. Maybe it’s because of high expectations from Barnes, especially after his interviews where he told about ‘Torment’ – I don’t know. But there is a fact: it’s a brutal and powerful but absolutely sapless work.

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