Review: Snakeyes “Metal Monster”

Review: Snakeyes “Metal Monster”

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Snakeyes Metal Monster

This band was formed in 2013 in Cádiz, Andalusia. So you can say that this is quite young band with not so huge experience. But in fact all members (except vocalist Cosmin) already knew each other very well. They played together in another Heavy Metal band SPHINX. Especially drummer Carlos and guitarist Justi / Carlos played since its birth in 1995 till death and Justi joined the band after more or less one year of its existence (he had some break, but came back).

OK, but there is other stuff you’ll get to know from interview with Cosmin which’s somewhere here on the portal. Let’s concentrate on music and only music then. I heard that many people compare this band with some legendary one where Rob Halford sings. Well, somehow I can’t see this. I mean, the main similarity is that both bands play the same sub-genre of Metal.  Besides I was never a big fan of such comparisons. Even if it can be quite nice to be compared to some living legend of the scene, it offends musicians of the band who’s an “offer”. Just wonder and you’ll know why. I’m sure that mentioned band is one of huge influences if these three Spanish and one Romanian. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t create own music and are “Spanish”, don’t you?

These eleven songs are just like they should be, to cut long story short. And actually I could end this review right here because everyone knows how should good Heavy Metal sound like. But I’ll torment you a little more. Riffs are powerful, but from time to time create really nice and interesting melody. It’s also creating by Cosmin’s vocal, by the way. Drumming and even bass is variable enough, too. Generally I can recognize that guys have a lot of great ideas and music imagination.

I could write more, describe some displays and so on, but I think this is much better to listen to this album and I can guarantee that you’ll fall in love with it! Metal Monster is released only digitally as far as I know, but suppose that situation will change and about some time we’ll can enjoy CD, too.

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