Review: VHÄLDEMAR “Old King’s Visions”

Review: VHÄLDEMAR “Old King’s Visions”

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VHÄLDEMAR “Old King’s Visions”
Fighter Records

Vhäldemar was formed in 1999, Baracaldo, Vizcaya Province, Spain. In 2001 they released EP “Makete”. In 2002 their debut album was released (“Fight to the End”, Arise Records). “I Made My Own Hell” followed in 2003 (Arise Records). Than, after 8 years they released another album “Metal of the World” and in 2013 “Shadows of Combat”, both independent releases. This year, guys gave us compilation album “Fight to the End + I Made My Own Hell” (Fighter Records) and EP “Old King’s Visions” (Fighter Records).

From the beginning thunderous drums, highs speed guitar, killing riffs, aggressive voice, in Grave Digger style, guys bought my attention. Next one “I Will Stand Still Forever” is one of my favorites, with catchy melody and rough bear roar singing style. Once again, it desperately reminds me on Grave Digger, but who cares? It is damn good! You might not expect “Intro” somewhere in the middle of the album, but, surprise, surprise! It leads us to “Howling”, kind of Blind Guardian inspired song. And at the end, pure pearl, Helloween cover, “Gorgar”. “Walls of Jericho” (Noise Records, 1985) is my favorite album and I am always suspicious if someone dares to touch it. This one is maybe the best cover I have ever heard. Helloween on steroids! It is so powerful, so different but so similar at the same time. Here Carlos Escudero shines.

Overall, these 5 songs are perfect prelude to upcoming album, which, I have to admit, I am impatiently waiting.

Some might say this is power/speed/classic heavy metal. I would say: POWERFULL POWER METAL.

EP contains 5 songs:
1366 (Old King´s Visions Part V)
I Will Stand Forever

Vhäldemar is:
Jonkol Tera-Keyboards
Carlos Escudero-Rhythm Guitras, Vocals
Pedro J. Monge-Guitars, Keyboards
Adolfo WB-Bass

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