Review: VOID MEDITATION CULT “Utter the Tongue of the Dead”

Review: VOID MEDITATION CULT “Utter the Tongue of the Dead”

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VOID MEDITATION CULT “Utter the Tongue of the Dead”
Hells Headbangers records

Maybe I’m wrong (there’s any statistic about it, so it’s only about my impression), but I noticed that so called one man bands are the most popular in circle of Black Metal. And this trend is underway since at least twenty five years. Why it is like that?!? Hell knows!!! Maybe B.M musicians are more anti-social than others?!? Maybe they’re more narcissistic than others?!? Who knows… Another project in this vein calls VOID MEDITATION CULT and comes from Ohio. Well, this state is quite big and there live really a lot of people in huge cities like Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and so on. But where Desolate Defiler lives is a real mystery. The fact is that bands in which he played earlier (mostly under his real name – Dave Ingram) was/are first of all from Akron, but…

Anyway, in 2008 he decided to play alone and that’s how V. M. C. was born. First period of existence was under the name SPERM OF ANTICHRIST and Desolate Defiler played together with G. o. S. But nobody (except mentioned musicians) knows who played what instrument. So we can tell everything about this music, but surely not that it’s not well-played and in general abilities of musician are low! As I noticed Dave plays since really many, many years (mostly guitar) and he did it in several sub-genres of Metal. That’s truth that mostly music was connected in some way with Black, but…

So “Utter the Tongue of the Dead” is first in history of the project album (earlier Desolate Defiler served us demo “Sulfurous Prayers” and split with… SPERM OF ANTICHRIST “Sulfurous Prayers of Blight and Darkness” – demos of both acts) contains ten compositions of in general Black Metal. Well, prima facie mostly it’s just a playing without any deeper idea, songs are rather similar to each other and stuff is boring. But that are only pretenses, false shows!!! Of course it’s not a mystery that songs in mentioned above sub-genre of Metal are quite similar to each other. So in this point I can agree. But even if they’re not complicated in their structure and arrangements are rather poor it’s absolutely NOT boring stuff!!!

Tempos here are mostly middle-fast, but we have also Desolate Defiler speed-ups or decelerate from time to time. Well, to be honest, this second option is more often, I guess. As I said it’s on general Black Metal, but I can clearly hear influences of Death Metal as well. As longer I listen to this stuff as more of them I notice… It’s about a lot of riffs and way of playing guitar or drums, but also deep growling. By the way, music which we can hear here is surely majestic and has something dark inside. And in this point it’s surely Black Metal, even if from clear music point of view we can dispute and even about this. It’s like a waltz which will destroy everything what stays on its road.

In my opinion it’s very good album!!! It’s also because Dave created really good and in spite of appearances technical stuff. OK, you were reading enough!!! So do what you want and I’m backing to listening to “Utter..” in calm!!!

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