Review: Wolf Hoffmann “Headbangers Symphony” (by Ivona Bogner)

Review: Wolf Hoffmann “Headbangers Symphony” (by Ivona Bogner)

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Wolf Hoffmann - Headbangers Symphony - Artwork

Nuclear Blast Records, July 1, 2016

As Accept guitar player, Wolf Hoffmann has 14 studio albums behind. His solo career brings two albums: “Classical” (1997) and “Headbangers Symphony” (2016).

“Headbangers Symphony” was born during the Accept’s touring break. Compared to previous “Classical”, “Headbangers Symphony” is, as Wolf says: “A lot more metal than the first one”.

Album has 11 tracks:

  1. Scherzo,
  2. Night On Bald Mountain,
  3. Je Crois Entendere Encore,
  4. Double Cello Concerto In G Minor,
  5. Adagio,
  6. Symphony No. 40,
  7. Swan Lake,
  8. Madame Butterfly,
  9. Pathétique,
  10. Meditation,
  11. Air On The G String.

“Headbangers Symphony” brings adaptations of classical music masterpieces. Wolf offers you his verison of Ludwig van Beethoven (Scherzo; Pathétique); Modest Mussorgsky (Night On Bald Mountain), Georges Bizet (Je Crois Entendere Encore), Antonio Vivaldi (Double Cello Concerto In G Minor), Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (Adagio), Wolfgand Amadeus Mozart (Symphony No. 40), Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky (Swan Lake), Giacomo Puccini (Madame Butterfly), Jules Massenet (Meditation) and Johann Sebastian Bach (Air On The G String).

Global population caracterize metal as violent, agressive music and, at the other hand, they see classical music as very sensitive. Stereotypes simplify and justify social reality and they can lead to discrimination. In my country, people who are different in any way, are obstructed in every segment of life. Being metal fan means you are drug addict, Satanist, violent, dangerous, uneducated… Listenig classical music, at the other hand, means you are arogant, untouchable, too proud…

Truth is in the eye of beholder. So, I see both, metal and classical music fans as highly intelligent, passionate and sensitive people.

Studies showed that kids who listened to heavy metal in the 80s were “significantly happier in their youth and better adjusted currently than either middle-aged or current college-age youth comparison groups”, (“Three Decades Later: The Life Experiences and Mid-Life Functioning of 1980s Heavy Metal Groupies, Musicians, and Fans”, Tasha R. Howe, Christopher L. Aberson, Howard S. Friedman, Sarah E. Murphy, Esperanza Alcazar, Edwin J. Vazquez & Rebekah Becker; 2015).

This album is more than a proof that metal and classical fans have a lot of in common. Both musical styles bring variety, from very sensitive to very energetic melodies. Both are spiritual and dramatic. Both are made by passionate musicians. Both are followed by loyal fans.

My opinion is that this album can satisfy refined taste of any metal or classical music fan. It is available on limited edition red vinyl, limited edition vinyl, digipack CD and digital album formats.

If you are the one who belongs to modern generation that trust in social media, I think the fact that first single Scherzo, received more than 10 000 views in the first two days on You Tube, is good enough reason to listen whole album.

I will interpret research I quoted: we, metal kids, are happy to have someone as Wolf Hoffmann.

(c) Ivona Bogner

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