SHED THE SKIN “Rebirth Through Brimstone” review

SHED THE SKIN “Rebirth Through Brimstone” review

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SHED THE SKIN “Rebirth Through Brimstone

Hells Headbangers Records

Ah-ha! Here we go! “Young” band:). First record… BUT! Do you know who’s playing there in line-up? Kyle of Incantation, Matt of Ringworm, and Ash of Vladimirs. Maybe two last bands will say nothing to some young fans, but first name should be more than known and respected:). What do you think these guys could play gathering together with each other? Some punk, thrash or grindcore? NO! Just a fucking death metal! For today I have third death metal release which is more than “cool”. Again, just two songs, but these songs will really make your skin shaking, hehe! Old-school death metal, with typical sound, with typical music, but also typical awesome! Shredding guitars, correct tempo-changes, deep growls… Everybody into Carnage, Entombed, Impetigo and etc will be 100% satisfied! But only those who have turntable, ‘coz this is not miniCD or something like that, but this is Vinyl 7”EP. As for those who prefer CDs – just wait – SOON Shed the Skin will came with first full-length, which (I’m SURE) will be yet more brutal and obscure, so all the fans around the world will hear their Metal of DEATH! Was released December, 12 th, 2014, so you still have the time to grab your own copy of this hell!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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