SYLOSIS “Different Masks On The Same Face” song presentation

SYLOSIS “Different Masks On The Same Face” song presentation

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SYLOSIS have unveiled a brand new track titled ‘Different Masks On The Same Face’.
The song is the first new material since 2015’s acclaimed album “Dormant Heart”. It’s also the first recording to feature new drummer Ali Richardson and it sounds intense, listen here:

Comments vocalist and guitarist Josh Middleton:

“The track was sort of leftover from the “Dormant Heart” writing period. It’s a little bit different for us and isn’t necessarily a new direction we’re heading in by any means. We figured instead of that track going to waste that we would release it as a kind of one-off single. For me it’s one of the heaviest songs we’ve done. It’s got a sort of punky black metal vibe to it. Really dark and aggressive sounding. It’s really straight to the point and ended up being the shortest song we’ve ever released but it’s still a riff fest. The title of the track came from watching hours of David Icke lectures last summer!”

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