TESTAMENT’s ERIC PETERSON On ‘The Brotherhood Of The Snake’: ‘This Is Gonna Be Our Kind Of ‘Reign In Blood’ Record’

TESTAMENT’s ERIC PETERSON On ‘The Brotherhood Of The Snake’: ‘This Is Gonna Be Our Kind Of ‘Reign In Blood’ Record’

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On forthcoming album “The Brotherhood Of The Snake”:

“It’s different. This one is more thrash. I mean, this has got some of the fastest stuff that we have ever played. Usually, we have one or two thrash songs, and then we have some mid-tempo, and then we have a slow, heavy one, and then up-tempo kind of stuff. Half of the new record is thrash, which we’ve never done before. Even with our first record [‘The Legacy’, 1987] , there’s ‘Over The Wall’ and ‘First Strike Is Deadly’, but then there’s stuff that’s back and forth from mid-tempo to thrash like ‘Do Or Die’ or ‘Apocalyptic City’. Full-on thrash though, like six or seven songs, has never been done by us. It’s kind of a trip to hear it.”

On how heavy “The Brotherhood Of The Snake” will be:

“It’s kind of like ‘Demonic’ and ‘The Gathering’, but a little bit wiser, I think. Chuck‘s [Billy] not singing so death. I mean, he does some death stuff but he’s singing more like he did on the last record and then with the craziness of ‘The Gathering’ or even heavy stuff like ‘Demonic’. Yeah, I’m excited to put this record. It’s gonna be killer.”

On the album’s release date:

“It’s gonna be coming out September, October. It’s gonna get delivered at the end of June, and it’ll be probably be delivered to the record company by the end of the summer just in time for a really big tour we’re doing of Europe. I can’t mention who it is, but we’ll be doing a big tour in Europe at the end of the year. And yeah, it’s gonna be killer. We’ll have a new record out, and be on tour.”

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