Video: The Way Of Purity ”Spectral”

Video: The Way Of Purity ”Spectral”

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The Way Of Purity presents their new video for ”Spectral”, song taken from the upcoming new album called Schwarz Oder Rot.

The band stated: We are so proud to announce that, after a long silence, we are back with a new killer album. “Spectral” has been chosen as a single randomly because we know that all the tracks in this new record are strong enough to work as singles. This is one of the slow tunes and mixes ambient with epic doomcore explosions giving off a post black metal aura. It represents the slow side of the album which is in contrast with a more fast and wave section of the platter. We are back for the war that we are fighting against humanity and speciesism; in fact Schwarz Oder Rot has been written with the idea of being the soundtrack for the end of humanity. For this reason this album sounds absolutely epic. Stay tuned…You’ll see a lot!


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