Mindwars ”The Enemy Within” review

Mindwars ”The Enemy Within” review

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Mindwars ”The Enemy Within

Punishment 18 Records

What a shame! To me, hehe… This CD was released 27 October 2014, i.e. almost two months ago and I didn’t listen to “The Enemy Within” still… I said so just because this CD is more than good! Eleven tracks of catching thrash metal, made by musicians, known from Holy Terror and Jester Beast! Short intro, and then avalanche of metal! There are couple of great things, 1) – musicians are musically mature, 2) – musicians wanted to play some old-school type of music! So, as a result we got really old-school and really catching thrash metal. If we’ll see deeply into the musical structure, then we’ll see there some speed metal and even power metal parts, all is mixed together and sounds impressive, as for me. The songs made with using of both mid and fast rhythms. But there are also some epic songs, slow and doomish (like “Masters of War”). About five times listening to “The Enemy Within” brought me only positive feelings, and main thing – headbangind attitude during the whole playing time. Basically here shouldn’t be many words written, to not steal your time, Mandwars playing kick ass old-school metal, which will force you to headbang and looking for more or less visible space on your shelf, between beloved thrash/speed metal bands. Certainly Mindwars will get many attention within worldwide metal scene if they will continue with the same music in the future and will record some new shit! “The Enemy Within” will send you back into ‘80s! Be aware – beer and high volume are preferably while listening to this raging stuff! Horns up and buy this record! Antichrist recommends!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov



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