Review: Korpiklaani “Rankarumpu” [Nuclear Blast Records]

Review: Korpiklaani “Rankarumpu” [Nuclear Blast Records]

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Three years ago, in 2021 Korpiklaani released their Jylhä, where the intent to return to their roots – a fast-paced and joyful folk metal from “Happy Little Boozer” times was heard clearly. The band succeeded, while some echoes of the previous, more serious albums were still present and there was a lack of some ease or lightheartedness. It appears on their new, 12th longplay named Rankarumpu and finally everything fell into place.

A couple of month before the album is out the band released a single “Gotta Go Home”, you know, where is some “Barbara Streisand” and all the stuff, and it was in English – like their first albums. By the way, don’t miss the warm, sunny video where Korpiklaani play on the beach! Well, the first singles from upcoming album, “Saunaan” and “Aita” have only confirmed the band’s intent: cheerful, fast and extremely catchy songs with great melodies, heavy guitar sound and potent drumming. It is impossible to stay still when you listen to them and the smile appears on your grumpy face, that’s it! That’s the old good Korpiklaani!

“Speaking of other new – or “new old” – vibes, “Saunaan” is a perfect example,” tells vocalist and guitarist Jonne Järvelä, “Some of you may already know, but we have a new member, Olli Vänskä (violins, ex-Turisas), and he has come rushing into the band. In addition to other great things, he wrote “Saunaan”, which in many ways sounds like the old school Korpiklaani – only better. In other words, Olli already beat me with my own weapons… Ha ha! And you know what? I love it – it’s amazing to have more and more musically talented forces involved!” “Saunaan” lyrics were also written by a new member, drummer Samuli Mikkonen, who joined the band in 2019. Well, a catchy song about sauna, what can be more Korpiklaani‘s thing?

However, it is worth noting that some songs here, despite the misleadingly cheerful music talk about some serious things: melodic “Kotomaa” (“Homeland”) talks about Finland and its nature when the tough and straightforward “Tapa sen kun kerkeet” (“Kill it when you can”) dedicated to the war. “…I live in the middle of forests, there are many beautiful lakes and so on – and many of Korpiklaani‘s new lyrics are directly inspired by these wonderful landscapes. Already in the opening song “Kotomaa” I sing about “blue skies and snowy white lands”. It doesn’t get more Finnish than that!”, Järvelä smiles. “Somehow in these terrible times – you damn know what I mean! – it feels like our own beloved and free country feels dearer than ever before. I just want to share these feelings with everyone!”

Overall, Rankarumpu mostly consists fast and not so long songs: each one of it lasts three minutes on average but they won’t let you stand still. Songs like “Rankarumpu”, the main groovy track with catchy chorus or “No Perkele”, so fast paced, that Jonne doesn’t thing but nearly rapping the lyrics; or another tough number, “Mettään” with great drum line indeed – these are made to dance, drink and party. One more track that stands out is “Oraakkelit” with nice “galloping” accordion, gravy guitars and drums, with prolonged violin – such mix is heavy and interesting, especially with the wolves’ howl on the background. The only exception here (with certain reservations) will be relatively long (5:16) ending song “Harhainen höyhen”, slow and heavy; it starts with whistles and guitar picking and continues as an epic canvas when it comes to the chorus.

In terms of folk metal, Korpiklaani always were a balanced band and this album is no exception too. Here we have good violins and accordion, which sometimes have a dialogue and sometimes compete in their solos. Kalle „Cane“ Savijärvi’s gutars and Jarkko Aaltonen bass have a really heavy sound. Probably it is also a merit of recording/mixing engineer and producer Janne Saksa и mastering engineer Svante Forsbäck. I hope, it will sound the same when it will be played live.

For the end I want to quote Pedro from A&P Reacts: “It was a rough end of 2023 with even worse start of 2024 and I need something to put a smile on my face.” We all need it, my friend, we all need it. And Rankarumpu will, don’t hesitate!

Rankarumpu will be released on April, 5th via Nuclear Blast Records.

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