Review: Panzer “The Fatal Command”

Review: Panzer “The Fatal Command”

- in Reviews

Panzer “The Fatal Command”
Nuclear Blast Records

Another Supergroup, Pänzer, launched album this year. It seems Herr Schmier never sleeps. He is the one who masterly juggles with two bands Destruction and Pänzer.

I guess we all know enough about Destruction. But Pänzer?

Pänzer (originally in German Panzerkampfwagen-armoured fighting vehicle or tank) was formed in 2014. 2/3 of the band Accept members, 1/3 Destruction members. 100% German band.

”Send them to hell”, debut album, was released on November 28th, 2014 via Nuclear Blast. Its successor, ”Fatal Command”, brought some changes. Herman Frank left the band. Schmier and Schwarzmann are still the base of the band. V.O. Pulver (Gurd, Poltergeist, Pulver, ex Carrion) and Pontus Norgren (Hammer Fall, ex The Poodles) joined the band. The course has been changed.

”Fatal Command” is great collection of heavy/thrash metal songs. This album is faster, more melodic, more heavy, more fun. Second guitar is the great choice which multiplies my fascination with whole album.

Schmier´s singing, compared to what he offers in Destruction, is clear. With a little help of friends, diversity in vocal range increases this release. And some of friends are: Gerre (Tankard), Dani Filth, Mille (Kreator), Tom (Sodom), Sabina (Holly Moses), Max Cavalera, Mat Sinner (Sinner, Primal Fear)…

At previous release, art cover was, obviously a tank. ”Fatal Command” art cover directly indicates the main lyrics topic. Schmier has always been metal head with punk attitude. The main lyrics subject is war, violence, social criticism, reflection of mankind.

Donald Trump, Kim Jong-Un, Putin, Hitler, Bashar-el-Asad; whole group of psychopaths, (as my editor would like to say for one of them: plague of all humanity) have found their place on sarcastic cover art which reflects time we are all living in.

Although Pänzer offers controlled rage, lyrics hit the center of the target. If words could kill, words used on ”Fatal Command” would be the perfect weapon.

”Fatal Command” is a great metal collection, homage to early heavy metal band.

Led by gentle giant, Schmier, Pänzer is ready to win another metal battle!

Personal favorites: ”We Can Not Be Silenced”, ”I’ll Bring You The Night”, ”Skullbreaker”, ”Mistaken”.

Track list:
Satan’s Hollow
Fatal Command
We Can Not Be Silenced
I’ll Bring You The Night
Scorn & Hate
Bleeding Allies
The Decline (& The Downfall)
Promised Land

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