Bloody Pussy Guts Death/Grind band presentation + stream

Bloody Pussy Guts Death/Grind band presentation + stream

- in Z-A - Unsigned bands

Please introduce yourself.

BLOODY PUSSY GUTS aka BPG. One man band from Santa Maria, California that was started and written by Alexander D. Webb(me). I wrire all lyrics and music and perform it live playing drums/vocals to recorded guitar/bass through amps and 2 guitar cabinets.

When your band was created?

Between January and February of 2013. Prior to that I had named it ‘Problem of Evil’ which lasted between November-December of 2011. Then it became ‘Mayhemic Perseverance’ January-May of 2012. Eventually BPG is what it resulted to…

What the style do you play?

Demonic deathgrind, slam violence, or just straight up brutal grindcore…

How could you describe your music by several words?

Technical rhythm with unrelenting blastbeats and savage vocals/lyrical content…

What is the main theme of your lyrics?

Anti everything, true reality based life brutalities, human disorder, mental chaos, sexual deviance, death feeding/becoming one with the soil/earth, misanthropy, drugs, crime, and demonic inhuman/inhumane presence, etc.

What would you like to achieve with the band activity?

As long as it gets its recognition featuring me as a serious grind musician and by my lyrical concept and significant writing style, then I have fulfilled the inhuman presence of BPG at its finest potential.

How many gigs you have played so far and maybe you visit another countries with concerts?

I have done several gigs so far…as much stress as it has brought upon me to want to quit, this project I swear has become a spirit and will of its own by not only creating future gigs to come but even the gigs that met unfortunate fates and errors have not decreased its mediocre demand, indecisive if I have plans for taking live performances to other countries… but if its what the people want…???

Is there anything very important about your band what SHOULD know fans and labels?

Yes… it is original by far… look it up…

What the formats you would like to see your releases, CD, Vinyl, Tape…? And how do you see future of physical releases?

I have both cd and digital format releases… would love and will make vinyl and tape formats available in the future, that is mandatory.

When you will get label deal, would you like to help to the label with promotion from your side, or you want label do all without your help?

Ill still be putting in as work as I do independently, the labels will make promotion easier on their end and I’ll maintain supporting the label that supports me.

What’s your reaction towards negative opinions about your music?

I am sure a reaction is what they want but whatever anyone can say behind my back they will NEVER say to my face… even if so then they will be dealt with accordingly…

And last question, how do you like our webzine, do you have some remarks towards its look or functionality?

If it wasnt for this webzine… I wouldnt be up to date in life and by far it is real to the core… never disappoints!

Bloody Pussy Guts- …aka B P G, brutal grindcore/demonic slam violence band from Santa Maria, California. This is a one man band represented by Alexander D. Webb as the songwriter, lyricist, and the inhuman(e) spirit behind the vile deathgrind noise plot. He does all guitar, bass, vocals, and drums behind the releases. He does the drums and vocals live with his backing guitar/bass track recordings streamed through amps and guitar cabinets…

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