Review: Snær “Frozen Alchemy”

Review: Snær “Frozen Alchemy”

- in Reviews

The United States of America are synonymous with freedom for many, it is also the lands of the Big Four. However by dint of aging and remaining on its past glories, the country is slowly falling asleep on its certainties for the metal scene. Few shattering novelties upset everything in their path.

In Norse mythology, Snær is seemingly a personification of snow, appearing in extant text as a legendary Scandinavian king. It is also the name of a metal band! From originating of the state of Maine, in the northeast of the United States, they deliver us an album entitled “Frozen Alchemy“.

However, after a lot of listenings and so as not to keep you waiting, I am really sorry to say this but this LP is like some barren lands! I have no taste for self sacrifice and I will be a tough marker of this release. I can not fathom the guideline of this album, so many wasted and spoiled time through the use of bland and tasteless melodies.

So what do we have here? These are not the ravings of a madman but we are in the presence of slow, clumsy, repetitive music without any originality. The guitar parts remind me my slow speed scale rehearsals when I was taking lessons. The band is influenced in my opinion by old bands such as Danzig.

However, the comparison seems to stop there. We do not perceive, although some may think, real modern influences in the music distilled by this album. The references would be more to seek on the American side even if a very very distant affiliation to certain European metal bands of the 80s may seem to exist. All other similarities are to be excluded.

The sound is good, the guitar solos, when they exist, do not follow the usual pentatonic scales hence their inconsistency. It would also be good to remember that music can sometimes exceed 90 bpm and that double pedal is not an option when you want to practice some modern metal and refer to black metal. I take this opportunity to give advice on the use of a metronome on the cover of Bathory (beginning of the song). It is certainly the only title that holds the road but it is from Bathory.

So sorry to say it but before wanting to come and share scenes on the old continent they will have to work, work and work hard! It is old, technically very simplistic and without any groove or feeling.

I am not going to criticize them too much, the whole copy is to be reviewed, but if people are clever and prone to improve their stuff, all these faults which are crippling at the moment could disappear.

I have no flagship tracks to recommend, everyone will have its own opinion.

Release date: March 12th, 2021

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