Review: Star One ”Revel In Time” [Inside Out Music]

Review: Star One ”Revel In Time” [Inside Out Music]

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After the rather mediocre mess that was Transitus, Arjen Lucassen completely redeem himself with what does best. A new metal opera in his typical amazing style. This third Star One album is a little different from the previous albums. Here we have of course the original cast singers from the previous albums. Dan Swanö from Edge of Sanity, Russel Allen from Symphony X Floor Jansen from Nightwish and Damian Wilson from Headspace. But this time Arjen has also hired a full set of more great singers, just like he does with Ayreon. This time we also get acquainted with such great talents as Roy Khan from Conception, Tony Martin, Joe Lynn Turner, Jeff Scott Soto, Brittney Hayes from Unleash the Archers and many others.

Another that makes this works way better than the Transitus album is that is got something that that album was lacking. Hooks and great songwriting. Right from the first song, we get a lethal dose of Arjen’s great songwriting with an amazingly catchy metal tune. The album continues on the same great level with more melodic, heavy, catchy and splendid music. Just like always, Arjen manages to balance perfectly between complex and intricate songwriting and straightforward, catchy hooks. This album is not as dark as the previous masterpiece Victim of the Modern Age but leans towards the more melodic and upbeat debut Space Metal. Arjen shows that he still can create what he does best and still have some brilliant epos in him. Star One is one of the few bands that has created a full discography of masterpieces so far.

Score: 87/100

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