Review: Vergeblichkeit ”Was hängt der späten Jugend an?” [Running Wild Productions]

Review: Vergeblichkeit ”Was hängt der späten Jugend an?” [Running Wild Productions]

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79 %
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I’m certainly new to this. Even though I’ve been a large fan of anything gothic rock/metal-related – as well as an avid follower of the more eclectic and melodious intrusions in black metal – for almost two decades, Austria’s Vergeblichkeit does mix these ingredients in ways that I haven’t quite experienced thus far.

The unsettling extremity of the dissonant black metal elements (resembling Abigor in more ways than one) clashing with The Sisters of Mercy-styled vocals and bass lines straight out of the dirtier post-punk era of the late 70s and early 80s, plus some fat rhythm guitars selectively shoving some mid-90s Atrocity groovy death metal riffage down yer throat…is certainly a bit of an of acquired taste and can’t be considered easy listening.

The prominent use of piano that often takes the lead with some beautiful (dis)harmonies and minor key sadness dominating the scenery is competently implemented and acts both as a booster to the chaos (“Wie du mich liebtest, lass mich los”) as well as a calmative agent right before the listeners’ mind is about to derail from the varicolored assault (“Warte nicht auf mich”).

Yet having patience will yield some exceptional results, as the complexity of the structural changes within single songs tends to become clearer with subsequent listens. However, I do have to admit that my absolute favorite track off this record remained the gloomy “Willen ist wie Vomitus” because its more streamlined approach makes it flow very well and a certain amount of catchiness is allowed to blossom without it being battered by another surge of abrasive dissonance.

So indeed, Was hängt der späten Jugend an? does not entirely strike my fancy since the deliberately jarring concoction of these compositions is sometimes a bit too heavy on my pair of ears BUT what the sole mastermind behind this opus (Eintrostlosespferd – which can be roughly translated to “a disconsolate horse”) managed to do on his own is remarkable in its complexity and presentation – clearly the work of a seasoned artist.

Eintrostlosespferd’s lyrics are dark and outlandish but remain mysterious in their expression, their deeper meanings hidden under a veil of eloquent and app(e)al(l)ing spiel, matching the complexity and oddity of their musical backdrop; worth a closer inspection, yet not for the faint-hearted.

For those willing to embrace the chaos, there’s some treasure to be discovered here. In a world of predictable formulas and recycled ideas, Vergeblichkeit offers a record that dares to be different and even arduous, yet I keep coming back to this, despite its various challenges being cast upon me – and that in itself is worthy of praise.


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