Mistur Sign To Dark Essence Records

Mistur Sign To Dark Essence Records

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misDark Essence records have announced the signing of Norwegian Viking Metallers MISTUR, and will be releasing the band’s sophomore full-length album at a date as yet to be announced. Hailing from the fjords and mountains of Sogndal, an area which has now taken on an almost legendary status in the world of Norwegian Extreme Metal, MISTUR’s sound mixes the melodic and the atmospheric together with the rawness of Black Metal. With their Viking-related lyrics written in Norwegian , MISTUR is the perfect fit for a label that can boast of bands such as TAAKE and HELHEIM amongst its roster.

Formed as a metal project in 2004 by Espen Bakketeig and Andre Raunehaug , it quickly became apparent to the duo that there was a demand for the band to perform live, and a full lineup was put together. MISTUR’s first release was the 2005 demo “Skoddefjellet”, which immediately attracted the attention of both the public and the critics. This was followed by band’s debut full-length album “Attende”, which appeared on the German label Einheit Produktionen in 2009.

Aside from Bakketeig (VREID (live), ex- SIGTYR) on Synths, Vocals and Programming, and Raunehaug (EMANCER, ex-SIGTYR) on Guitar, today’s lineup includes Oliver Øien on Vocals, Stian Bakketeig (VREID, ex WINDIR, ex COR SCORPII) on Guitar, Ole Hartvigsen (EMANCER, KAMPFAR) on Bass, and Tomas Myklebust (EMANCER (live), VREID (live), GALAR) on Drums.

MISTUR are set to appear at Blastfest in Bergen on the 17th February, and will join Dark Essence Records label-mates the 3rd ATTEMPT, LUCIFER’S CHILD and ORKAN at the label night at Inferno Festival in Oslo on the 23rd March.


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