ALIEN SYNDROME 777 “Outer” (Avantgarde Music) entire album streaming

ALIEN SYNDROME 777 “Outer” (Avantgarde Music) entire album streaming

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as777_promopic [800]Avant-garde black metal international recording project led-by italian mastermind Alessandro Rossi, in conspiracy with Smohalla’s Vincent Cassar and As Light Dies’ Oscar Martin on vocals
AS777 delivers a furious cascade of avantgarde black metal, at times recalling classics like Dodheimsgard, Black Lodge, Code or the weirdest episodes of Abigor’s career! Comes in a very nice digipack designed by renowned norwegian designer Kim&Trine (Solefald, Den Saakaldte etc)
Outer: a seven-song album investigating humanity’s connection with the earthly and the celestial.

Rendered with sinister riffing and infernal vocals, backed by a frenzy of synths that work as a stimulating background, subtle but highly effective. The songs are composed in such a way that their structures seem easy to grasp even though there are so many elements going on simultaneously that many listens are required in order to fully digest it all. The guitar riffs and the vocals are following a traditional black metal pathway, but the general orchestration and the mindset behind it nod to futuristic masterpieces like Thorns or 666 International. From the crushing palm-muted riffing of “Symmetriads” and the tremolo-picked madness of “The Bleeding Anthill of the Universe” to the sinister sections like “To Balance and Last”, everything is encapsulated in a musical vacuum from which no escape is possible.
0005894396_10 [800]You can order your own copy here –

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