Antarcht Black metal band presentation + stream

Antarcht Black metal band presentation + stream

- in Z-A - Unsigned bands

Please introduce yourself.

We are Antarcht, a two-man black metal project from Eugene, OR. We recently released our debut demo in Late January 2015.

When your band was created?

Antarcht was formed by members GHG and BRJ in the fall of 2014.

What the style do you play?

We play pure and unadulterated Black Metal, heavily influenced by the second wave that dominated Scandinavia in the 90s. We take other influences from modern and first wave black metal acts as well.

How could you describe your music by several words?

Abysmal, Unrelenting, Empowering yet depressing.

What is the main theme of your lyrics?

Darkness, Rituals, Depression, Anti-Religion

What would you like to achieve with the band activity?

We hope to expose to the world the sound of Antarcht through our free demo, and move on from there to release more music, all while tempering and perfecting our craft.

How many gigs you have played so far and maybe you visit another countries with concerts?

We have not played any gigs yet and don’t plan on doing so until we have a full line-up ready. We don’t have the equipment to play live at the moment, but in the near future we will soon perform live with a bassist and a drummer.

Is there anything very important about your band what SHOULD know fans and labels?

Our demo is just the beginning of an era. Our next releases will build upon the demo, expanding the Antarcht sound, with new and old influences.

What the formats you would like to see your releases, CD, Vinyl, Tape…? And how do you see future of physical releases?

We are looking for a label to release our demo in cassette form. In the future, our releases will be on CD, Tape, and ideally vinyl.

When you will get label deal, would you like to help to the label with promotion from your side, or you want label do all without your help?

Personally, I enjoy working with promoters and bloggers and interacting with people. Promotion from a label would be nice, but I think I would still want to be involved with interacting with people who dig our music.

What’s your reaction towards negative opinions about your music?

People have different opinions and music tastes. If Antarcht isn’t for you, it isn’t for you. We are what we are, and what we want to sound like. If the negative opinion is constructive, it may be noted, but we aren’t going to conform our sound to anyone.

And last question, how do you like our webzine, do you have some remarks towards its look or functionality?

Looks good! Thank you for the support.

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