Bhleg “Draumr Àst” review

Bhleg “Draumr Àst” review

- in Reviews

Bhleg “Draumr Àst


Almost three weeks ago this release saw the light (or dark, as better for you), I do not know how many people had heard this album already, but I’m sure all of those who did it – were satisfied just like me. Two guys from Sweden did really decent job. From one hand – they have recorded next black metal / ambient album, among those myriads of others, which out with every day, but from the other hand – they have recorded an album – which will rated between one of the best albums of the year! Why? All is simple – musicians do not use some modern tunes, they did just classical negative black metal, with huge dose of melancholy and despair, in the way of Ulver and Burzum. As for me – sounds really good, not driving, not pressing, but just slightly raw black metal, made by slow and mid tempos, but filled with the dark emotions and same dark melancholy. The songs are pretty long (7-8 minutes approx) but actually not boring at all, i.e. you can just relax, gather all your thoughts in one “space” and list listen to “Draumr Ast”, do not pay attention on the world behind you. Nature, Existence, Cosmos – are the main themes of Bhleg, and really – nature and existence could be noted like lyrical themes, but cosmic themes are greatly shown within their music and atmosphere. Thus here is really good atmospheric, melancholic yet dark black metal, 8 songs, with both instrumental compositions and regular songs (with ambient as well). I like it and I hope you’ll like as well. You’ll hear there NOTHING NEW, but you WILL hear there music you’ll like and compare to another beloved albums. Grim melancholy waiting for your soul!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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