{brief album review} Predatory Light – Predatory Light (by Robert Lombardo)

{brief album review} Predatory Light – Predatory Light (by Robert Lombardo)

- in Brief album reviews, Reviews

pl_web_comp_finalPredatory Light
Predatory Light
Invictus Productions
Release: 23 September 2016

23 September 2016 will see the light debut album of US band Predatory Light, it took just 5 years before the band was ready to record full-length album after two demos and one split release with Vorde.

After I have listened to the album several times I have now my modest opinion.

Predatory Light plays some kind of blasphemous black metal, mainly mixed on doom metal. And both of these genres comes by really good way. When it comes to black/doom metal mix, then we have here two types stuff, first – sick yet nuclear black metal madness, and the second one – obscure and nuclear doom metal! The music is really dark and the entire atmosphere  together with the rhythm section sounds very sick. So this not some kind of doom metal when you able to relax and sink into your own feelings, but you able to sitting in freezing state and just listen to the music! Sometimes those sick black metal tunes transforming into some kind of measured dark doom metal, even with some pricking guitar solos and solid slow downs.

I recommend this bestial kind of musical industry!

Cheers from France / Rob

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