{brief album review} TEMPERANCE – The Earth Embraces Us All (by Robert Lombardo)

{brief album review} TEMPERANCE – The Earth Embraces Us All (by Robert Lombardo)

- in Brief album reviews, Reviews

The Earth Embraces Us All
Scarlet Records
Release: 16 September 2016

Well, I knew Scarlet records as a label which released some good bands in the past, now they have a big roster of young bands, and mainly melodic or symphonic ones. Just like Temperance, because their music is melodic and symphonic metal.

First of all, here is female leading voice, and I must to admit Chiara Tricarico have really good voice, the good voice for Temperance, because I do not know how it could sounds in other band.

Album contains eleven songs, I listened to The Earth Embraces Us All two times, and I haven’t found some negative things on the album. Again, I’m not a big fan of such kind of music, but when I have an opportunity to listen to some band within this genre – I do not miss the chance. So, Temperance is just melodic yet symphonic metal, with light melodies, quiet sound, loads of sypmhonic parts, very good female vocals, but not enough heavy guitar sound as for me, but maybe this is just my personal egoistic opinion, but I’m here for this, haha!

I can recommend this album for those who like light, melodic and symphonic metal with female vocals. You will be able to agree with me or blame on me on September 16th, when Scarlet records will release this album.

Cheers from France! / Rob

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