CREEPING set release date for vinyl version of new album

CREEPING set release date for vinyl version of new album

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New Zealand’s Creeping are one of the metal underground’s best-kept secrets, and thus Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present the vinyl version of the band’s third album, Revenant (Daemon Worship Productions will handle the CD release, which will feature alternate artwork). For a decade now, Creeping have been capturing the sensation(s) of their very moniker with a potent blend of doomed-out death metal dusted with black metalled atmosphere. It’s a sound that doesn’t conveniently slot into one category – be it black, death, or doom metal – but one that bristles with unself-conscious uniqueness and a strive for the beyond. Revenant is arguably Creeping’s best, most-beyond work yet, each of the five molten, monolithic tracks unfolding patiently, dragging the listener into the undertow before crushing all fortitude with the sheer psychic and physical weight of their rotten ruminations. Whether the listener would rather be bulldozed or entranced, it matters not: Revenant tantalizingly offers keys to wherever you care to go. But returning is another matter, one that’s forever Creeping… Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Creeping’s Revevant
1. Death Knell Offering
2. Scythes Over My Grave
3. Cold Soil
4. Drear
5. Revenant


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