IMMOLATION – Release Video For “The Age Of No Light”

IMMOLATION – Release Video For “The Age Of No Light”

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Couple days ago you could watch in-depth interview with Ross HERE and now here we go with the news from the band!

New York death metal giants, IMMOLATION, will release their latest immense creation, Acts Of God, on February 18, 2022. The 11th studio album serves as the next chapter of IMMOLATION’s death metal epic. With 5 long years passed since AtonementActs Of God vigorously showcases IMMOLATION’s ability to consistently create fascinating sounds, while still keeping their feet firmly rooted in the old school, New York Death Metal for which they are renowned.

Today, the band offers fans the second single of the album, “The Age Of No Light”. Check out the video here:

IMMOLATION vocalist/ bassist Ross Dolan comments:

“We are very excited to unveil the next single ‘The Age of No Light’ to all the IMMOLATION maniacs around the globe!  This song showcases some of the more extreme elements as well as the darker heavier moments that run throughout this album.  This is an intense and furious track that does not let up once it starts, and I think Bob really did an amazing job in capturing this sonic fury as well as the dark essence of this song visually with this video. We hope everyone enjoys it!!!!”

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