Interview Blood Red Throne (By Carla Morton)

Interview Blood Red Throne (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

Interview with Ivan Meathook, the guitar player od the Norwegian Death Metal band, Blood Red Throne.
12009718_1017755278246005_1114098586370814121_n Salutations Ivan , how things are going?
Hello and thank you for the interview. Working my fucking ass of lately. But tomorrow (Saturday) I’m getting fucked up on whiskey.

First, tell me when Blood Red Throne appeared into the metal scene.
In 1998. Started by Danien DØD Olaisen and Terje Vik TCHORT Schei. They played in Satyricon together and wanted to start a Death metal band. Recorded 1 album, ”Monument of Death”. Signed on Hammer Heart records.

There exist seven releases,the latest one was released in 2013, one EP and one split album, tell me a few words about all these.
The albums are old school Death metal. But as you can hear, the albums are getting more and more brutal. ”Altered Genesis” is a real mean motherfucker. Down to the basement heavy, brutal fuck!

Are you going to release a new album soon?
Yes, January  2016.

Blood Red Throne had many line-up changes over the years, seem so.
Well, what can you do. No body has ever been fired. People quit by their own will.

There exist any influences for the band?
A lot of old school death metal: Death, Obituary, Massacre and I am a bigger fan of Modern Death metal and Grindcore.

About shows, are there any scheluded?
2016 is going to be an busy year for BRT. Finland, some gigs in Norway, Euro tour and so on.

A last question, do you have a message for Blood Red Throne fans?
We love you from the bottom of our hearts and look upond you as our family members!

Cheers to you and thank you for your time and answers. All the best!
Thank you. Keep it fucking brutal!

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