Interview: Federica Faith Sciamanna

Interview: Federica Faith Sciamanna

- in Written interviews

I had the pleasure to have this great chat with the enchanted artist and musician, Federica Faith Sciamanna, who recently released new music with her solo project, more, she discussed the other projects she’s involved with, The Shiver and The Way Of Purity, and other interesting topics.

When has your musical journey begun?
Well, I think I always sang, creating my melodies. I was 5 when I started piano lessons, then at 13 when I embraced a guitar. At 14 years old, I had the first punk/rock band, where I was the singer and guitarist. Music started to be more and more part of my days, of my thoughts, of my life. During high school I was already playing gigs with my mates, the first core of The Shiver, my main project, and I was dreaming about touring abroad like the artists that I was listening to (Incubus, Tool, Deftones, NIN, The Cure, Depeche Mode, and so on). Who would have ever known that years later I would’ve been walking down that same road, at a different time when the industry has changed, where you can still “make it”, and live out of your music but in such a different way than what you imagined… After that, I met Carlo Bellotti, and basically he showed me the way. Notice that he was in a brilliant band, and he’s always been a great example. Then touring abroad came, then more albums, always one step higher.

Recently, you released two singles with a new solo project. What can you tell me about this project?
Yes, of course. My solo project is something I had in my mind since I was 16 years old. I had this vague idea about something dark, ambient, with lots of light vocals and electronics, plus magic. After the recordings of Adeline, the 3rd official album of The Shiver, and its release, I started to write more tracks (generally, I always compose) with the precise idea of this electro-pop-goth mood. Carlo B. liked the tracks and put me in contact with this amazing, beautiful soul that is Marco Chiereghin, a great producer and musician from Chioggia, and he accepted to work on it. “Priestess” was released on the 29th of May 2020 via Epictronic Records. The two singles video clips (“Blank Page” and “All The Way”) and the entire visual concept are edited by Riccardo Ceppari and Martina Pizzi of Winterlight Studio. The whole concept is about this return to being one with the Nature and the Earth, like in the ancient civilizations (the Great Mother cult, the Goddess) all over the world. I used 2020 and 2021 to go deeper into this concept, studying more and more, and disciplining myself every day not only with singing but also with yoga, breathing, meditation, silence, with extreme respect for our body, animals, trees, mountains, rivers,  and any other thing created in the Universe.
I was already close to this vision and my dear friend Andrea Seki (neo-Celtic harpist) already opened this world to me years before. He told me about Giovanni Feo, an independent archeologist who proved the existence of a neolithic civilization here in Tuscia, the magical place where I am blessed to live. Feo died before I could meet him, but I met his collaborator Luigi Catena, a golden heart man of 70 years old, but with the energy of a teenager. I helped him to release his first book (“Ricerche e Studi sul territorio del Lago di Bolsena” via Effigi Edizioni) and at this point, I was already way inside all this. This year, I started to mix my rock/electro origins with ancestral chants and meditation frequencies, also ancient instruments such as the lyra, the shamanic drums, handpans, etc., what I use in the live set that I’m performing in ancient towns, historical places, churches, woods. And more brilliant gifts and collaborations are coming!
I released a single in my mother tongue, Italian, called “E Solo un Attimo”, which I composed along with other 3 tracks while I was living in Spain in 2021/2022. The lyrics are an incitement to find the true version of yourself, leaving behind all the mental conditioning we have on our shoulders. Then I released “The Chase”, dedicated to all the victims of violence. In the story, the victim becomes the killer and finally, justice is made.

Along with the two singles, will we hear an album as well with your solo project?
At the moment, I worked on my friend Andrea Seki’s album together, for “AR Project”. It’s a work we made in the last 4 years, a journey into the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, evolving the songs every day. I also composed for theatre and I am composing for independent documentaries. There’s a new book and a new album on the way. But not before mid-2025.

A book too, that’s interesting. What can you tell me more about The Shiver, are there any news to share regarding this band?
We ended the production work with the Australian guys from Dead Letter Circus (kinda my favorite band of all time) which I truly thank. We’re all very busy in the band so months ago we booked the studio for this next Nov/Dec. We’re so excited to make a new album. It’s something really different from all we released before, mixing all the creative elements of my band plus the Aussie production has made it truly genial. I can’t wait to release it! About live shows and generally, promotional things, we’re stuck since 2019. But our idea is to go on tour again.

Rock, indie, darkwave, shoegaze, prog, and electronic, these are the main genres you are focusing on. Have you thought to try and experiment with other musical genres, maybe something more aggressive (metal genres)?
The last thing I kept my mind busy with is Indian Sacred Dhrupad Music, but it will take years for me to fully understand it. Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance music have been in my heart for a while. About modern times, post-rock and post-metal are my last loves, still into them!

Let’s talk a bit about your involvement with The Way Of Purity, one of my favorite bands though. First, what does this band mean to you?
It has always been a great honor to be included in this genial project. I think I wrote the best vocal lines ever in this band, and we created works I’ll always be proud of. We had beautiful concerts all around Europe, in the best alternative clubs ever, and we’ll keep going with new stuff and new material to support animal rights because this is the main aim of TWOP.

You feature TWOP’s 2010 debut album Crosscore, then you had your comeback in 2020 for Schwarz oder Rot. Definitely, TWOP had line-up changes, although, why this 10-year gap between you and them?
Sometimes, ways can divide, different timelines, and different views. I needed a break from this project and the project needed a break from me. We both evolved so much separately and when the time came, we joined forces again.

Your work with Carlo from Epictronic and Wormholedeath Records continues, as you mentioned earlier, Carlo is also the one who showed you the way further into music. How is it to work with them?
Basically, the team is are amazing. I’ve always felt that I could relax and be the artist, and I am in safe hands, which will bring me to the best options in the music world. Truly, all the labels are great, and I’ll never thank them enough. Carlo is a genius, with an iron, unbreakable will.

You shared the stage and opened for bands such as Tarja Turunen, God Is An Astronaut, and Misfits, to name a few. What band(s) would you like to share the stage with someday?
Papa Roach and Dead Letter Circus are already verified on my list (in 2013 and 2016). I would love to share the stage with Robert Smith (my biggest dream since I was 15 years old) and Ghost (just because I really like their songs).

Which are your top 5 favorite bands/artists, which of course, are your biggest influences too?
Ah, this is so difficult… Tool, A Perfect Circle, God Is An Astronaut, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cure.

Besides music, what other hobbies/activities do you have?
I am constantly immersed in music. I teach singing, I created (with my drummer Francesco Russo) a European brand of music venues, I am an event manager and tour manager, but most of all, I perform. This last two years I had 2 or 3 shows per week, every week, and sometimes I had two different concerts on the same day. For example, last week I had 2 Celtic concerts, then 2 Irish concerts, and then 1 solo concert in my city. This week I have a gig 30 km from here, slept 2 hours, packed my stuff, and drove 350 km from here, for another concert in Cesena, then I drove back during the night. This upcoming week I’ll be performing each day in a Folk Festival in Marche region, on the other side of Italy. I hear lots of my students wanting to live like this but I have to say that it’s not a joke, you have to be brave, very strong, and even physically prepared. Most of my colleagues have a daily job, then play on weekends, that could be an option if you want to be sure to have a salary every month but it would never work for me. I need to be wild. This is my life. Also, I practice yoga, CrossFit, and aerial Silk, and I love trekking in the woods. I practice meditation with frequencies.

Federica, thanks a lot for your time having this interview, the pleasure was mine. Hope to see you soon, again. Cin!
Thank you so much, our time together was very nice!

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