Interview Heresy (By Carla Morton)

Interview Heresy (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

Interview about Heresy, metal band from Costa Rica, with Blop the bass player of the band.


Hi Blop, how are you?
Hello Carla. All good in sunny Costa Rica, working really hard with the band as we speak.

When did Heresy was founded?
Heresy was founded in April 2011 by Raley and me. Raley had the idea and I saw a vision on it and I accepted that vision and made it mine as well.

The debut album was released in 2012 entitled ”Worldwide Inquisition”. Tell me about it.
”Worldwide Inquisition’’ was recorded with Marcos Monnerat (a fucking awesome studio dude). We started the record really early with the band. We wanted to record our songs because a lot of people were asking about it so yeah, we did it. It was released in 12/20/12. And since it release date, it has taken us to more than 50 European shows and festivals.

Have you received good reviews?
Yes, they are always really positive and that makes us happy ’cause we know that we are doing good things. And also makes us be more prepared for the  upcoming record.

Are you going to release a new album soon?

What are the band’s influences?
Everything!!! Hahaha. That’s a Heresy secret. We all like different types of music and influences and that’s what gives Heresy the sound of Heresy. In my case I would say NOFX, Maiden, Bad Religion, Behemoth, and Deftones mainly.


Any lyrical themes?
Yeah, as long as it can reflect our feeling, it’s a good lyric theme. We have things from religious hate until a song we made for a fan of us from Honduras who is no longer with us. So yeah, we’re just looking for ways to express ourselves.

Are there shows confirmed for this year?
So far no, haha. We just ended The European Trials tour with 35 dates and right now we are completely focused on our next album.

A message for the fans?
Yeah, don’t drop school and eat your vegetables, haha. We will do our best to go to your town and to play for you our new record soon. We love to play and we came here to stay.

Thank you Blop, all the best!
All the best to you!

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