Interview Obszön Geschöpf (By Carla Morton)

Interview Obszön Geschöpf (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

An interview with the Industrial/Dark one-man metal band Obszön Geschöpf from France.

Greetings Remzi, how have you been?
First big thanks to you for your interrest in OG. This year looks nice for OG with a lot of work.

Tell me when the band was founded.
I have created OG like a personal musical project in 1997/1998 in a little city in the north of France called Boulogne. It was impossible for me to form a ” real band “, it was very difficult to find musicians to fit in this kind of music in this area in the middle of 90’s. All of my friends that are musicans were more on the extreme metal scene ( Black and Death metal ) and not really interrested on Industrial music. 15 or 20 years after , it’s not really different in this city but I have moved since early 2000 on a bigger city, in Lille and now it’s more easy to find guitarist interrested to play this music. Lille has a pretty good Industrial, Dark metal scene ( maybe the best in France ) some good places to play too, good Metal bars to organise parties etc.. It’s a great city for the culture.

You have released six albums so far and the latest was released in 2013 entitled ”Highway Of Horrors”. Tell me about it.
Not exactly , actually I have just released in July 2015 the new 7th album called “The Vault of Nightmares ” include on a special anniversary box of OG production with 4 CD’s on DVD box , with the first demo “Day of Suffeing ” , it’s a demo album from 2000 never release , a CD compilation of all albums , 1 CD of remixes from international bands + this new album , only available in this box. This new album is, in my opinion, the best OG album ( ok ok it’s normal lol ), but I think that . I do this kind of music I get in mind when I have to create OG more than 15 years ago .The sound of this new album is a mixture of HORROR EBM / NEW BEAT 90’s / METAL INDUSTRIAL . The bass and Guitars parts is play by Benjamin from Inayah, he has done the mastering too . The female vocal part of the Animotion cover had been done by my girlfriend . I have already received some possitive answers from reviews from magazines/webzines , it’s on a good way .
111 (Копировать) Can you tell me a few words about the other albums?
I have records of the first demo album “Day of Suffering ” from 2000, this demo was very Dark Electro with a lot of guitars  in all the songs . But for the 3 first albums , it was very difficult to continue in this way because no guitarist  so I had to focus on the Dark Electro  music. It was not a real problem because I was really in the mood of Electro Industrial at that period. For the 4th double album “Erection Body Mutilated ” I have meet Matthieu Merklen ( Mercyless / CIC ), he has done all the guitar and bass parts for this album and we have work together for ” Highway of Horror ” in 2013, with 30 others guest musicians from the biggest Metal bands from France .

Are you going to release new materials soon?
Like I’ve say before , I have just released this anniversary box . Now I wait to see the sales to see if I can produce an EP for 2016. That depends on fans .

What are the lyrical themes and also what are the influences?
Only serial killers and horror movies themes . I’m a big fan of Horror movies from ’60’s, ’70’s and ’80’s since 1984 ( when I was 4 years old ) taumatize for life with ”Friday the 13th’’ part 1 and ”Return of the Living Deads’’ .Now I have around 800 movies ( DVD,VHS ) on my collection . OG will be never a political project , I fuck all politics.

Are there any shows confirmed for this year?
Yes , we had a show in my city in Lille for the release of the box and for my birthday and it was a great success . From October 2015 to March 2016 we will do a lot of shows  in France, UK and big part of Europe to promote this new album. I will post all the dates of this Europe tour the next weekend on my facebook page.

Do you have a message for the fans?
Support the bands you like and buy the productions and merchandising . It’s the only way for a band to survive .

Thank you Remzi, cheers!
Thank to you Carla !!!

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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