interview video: Whitemour (Death metal from Finland)

interview video: Whitemour (Death metal from Finland)

- in Video interviews

Finnish death metal band Whitemour released their new album The Devil Inherits The World on November 16th 2018 via Art Gates Records, feel free to check interview video with Juha Kormano (Guitar) right now!

Whitemour is a Black/Death Metal abomination with dark melodies spewing forth message of hate, misanthropy, war anddeath. The band was founded in 2006 by Jani Rohunen in Seinajoki, Finland. Through many lineup changes, the bandbecame the four-man group it is today. After releasing a demo Journal of Flesh and Blood, a single release ProducedMinds and Sculpted Beauty, two EP’s Chaos Anthem and Astarte and the latest single release Kuolinnaamio.

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