Interview with NIBIRU

Interview with NIBIRU

- in Written interviews

Hello! Can you tell us about your creative process and how it has evolved since the release of your first album “Caosgon” in 2013?
Has not changed the approach to composition, evolved? maybe, unconsciously all dictated by the experience gained over the years but I presume to say that Nibiru has always kept the same compositional approach, a path of freedom of expression essential, the will to continually experience new possibilities in total cohesion between us, only for this Nibiru still exists and is alive more than ever.

Your music draws heavily from occultism and esotericism. How do these influences shape your artistic vision and approach to music creation?
I am convinced that there is an occult power, an inner power of the individual for which abnormal faculties manifest themselves, occultism esotericism I think can help to express universal forces and individualized forces then the ways to channel them are multiple, music is one of these, our music is as close as possible to the ancient, characters out of use by common calligraphy.

Can you tell us about your use of Enochian keys in your music and how they contribute to the overall ritual atmosphere of your sound?
As said before “characters out of use by ordinary calligraphy”, evidently destabilizing because they incorporate energies that vibrate on astral planes ignored by most, individual consciousness contains a dark reserve, subconsciousness, deep consciousness, unknown.

Ignored fields of human consciousness, the Enochian keys gives lymph to ritual, astral to the “without light”…

How do you approach the incorporation of different elements of genres like Black Metal, Sludge and Drone into your music while maintaining your unique identity and sound?
We have never made calculations in this sense, each of us lives in music since always, surely and unconsciously we brought in Nibiru many elements congenial to us but, as we have been repeatedly recognized, we have made them an integral part of a kind that cannot be cataloged as our vital nucleus that takes shape in Nibiru.

Your music often contains Italian lyrics. What is the meaning of this choice and how do these lyrics contribute to the general themes and concepts of your music?
The texts in Italian are consistent with all our creative paths including the Enochian, the Alchemy of Kremmerz, Aleister Crowley and everything that can shake us and raise questions.

“before birth and after death has been known and the Truth will be known ”

Your live performances are known for their intense and engaging nature. How do you create this experience for your audience and what do you hope they will take away?
Live performances, like our music, are moments not calculated, a branching filter that takes the whole body from the head to the feet… an instant of complete absence and profound existence, cosmic forces that need a receptor, our audience…

Can you tell us about your relationship with Klaus Kinski and how he influenced your musical and artistic vision?
I just need to quote the poem “I -opponent- enemy of myself” and the book “Fever – diary of a leper”. “I look for myself- and when I recognize myself, I am my worst enemy.”

Your music often addresses the issues of possession and abandonment. How do these themes relate to your personal experiences and emotions and how do they manifest themselves in your music?
They manifest themselves in their totality, surely there is a lot of personal and music helps me to see beyond the abyss…

You played in prestigious festivals and shared the stage with important artists. Is there a show or a particular performance that in your opinion represents a decisive moment for NIBIRU?
Undoubtedly the Roadburn Festival in Tilburg in 2016 and Metalitalia in 2018.

Finally, what can fans expect from NIBIRU in the future, both in terms of new music than live performances?
On 26 of May will come out for Argonauta records new album “Anamorphosis ” a further step in the experimentation, a single track lasting about 55 minutes, we will play on May 6 at the Church of Crow Doom Festival in Pinerolo and in October at the “From dust til doom festival” in Switzerland as headliner.

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