Interview Wormwood

Interview Wormwood

- in Written interviews

It’s the third time I had an interview with Tobias, the guitar player of Wormwood. The Swedish black metal band are ready to release their new album entitled as Ghostlands: Wounds From a Bleeding Earth. Tobias had the time to answer my interview where he spoke about the album, also he spoke about the video for the song ‘’Godless Serenade’’ and other plans regarding a new video, about touring plans and others.

Cheers Tobias and nice talking with you again about Wormwood, how have you been?
Hey Carla!  Good to talk to you again. I´ve been pretty busy, there is a lot of stuff going on in my life, especially Wormwood related stuff right now.

First of all I’d like to say that your new album entitled as ”Ghostlands:Wounds From A Bleeding Earth”  is really great, I like it mostly because it is atmospheric, but actually this album is a mix of elements: atmospheric, black, pagan, folk but I let you speak about it…
Im glad that you like it, thank you!  Yes, the album is pretty mixed up in it´s appearance. I would say that the emotional diversity is one of the main strengths on Ghostlands. It goes along with the lyrical themes and the stories on the album. It seems like people in general share that opinion, and that is of course very satisfying.

Also in some of the songs you have the female vocalist, making the sound more interesting, but who is the female vocalist?
The mysterious female vocalist is a childhood friend of mine, her name is Alexandra and she is a really talanted singer. She has done some vocals on my earlier projects back in the days, so it was not a long shot to ask her if she was intrested to come to the studio and record some great tunes. I am sure she will succeed as a singer or/and with her art some day.

You have another guest on the album and I’m talking about Nephente (Netherbird, Riket)…
Yeah, he is a wise man and good friend of ours, we have been inviting him as a guest vocalist for a few live shows, so it came out pretty natural to let him do some vocals on the record as well. Another guest on the album is Martin Björklund (Mercury X, Månegarm, Doug Seegers, Uppsåt) that plays the fiddle. He is a fucking awesome musician in all ways.

Let’s talk a bit about the recording process of the album. When have you started to write the album and how the recordings went so far?
A lot of the riffs an melodies are pretty old unused material, others was brand new when we started to record them. We had a lot of ideas and visions about the soundscapes and the feeling of Ghostlands, and I´m quite sure it came out well.

Before more infos of ”Ghostlands…” to be revealed, you have released a video for ”Godless Serenade”, also like a preview song. The video is nice, then where did the video was shooting?
Our good friend Isak Skagerström was filming us in different parts and different seasons here in Sweden. From the very far north in the freezing and harsh world of mountains to the deep rocky woods of our beautiful country.

Do you have in mind to release a new video or maybe a lyric video of one of the songs soon?
Oh, yeah!  We´re already preparing ourselves for a new music video. And a lyric video is in the making right now.  More info about that will come.

Later this autumn you will hit the road on a tour with Impiety, but will you attend summer fests or a summer tour over Europe?
In october we will do and european tour as a support band for Impiety togheter with Asagraum (Norway) and Bode Preto (Brazil), we´re really looking forward to that. But before that we´re gonna do some shows here in Sweden, and we´re talking about a short visit to Eastern Europe/Balkan. Nothing official yet though.

What do you consider to be the main goal that you have achieved regarding this new album?
The most important achievement is the fact that we came in touch with our record label Non Serviam records that made it possible for you guys to hear the god damn album! The label is great btw.

Again I’m saying that you have got a great album, something for my taste and hope to see you soon again on stage and hear the new songs. Thank you Tobias for this interview. Cheers to you!
Thanks for having me and thanks for the support! See you on the road and spread the word about Wormwood!


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