Karyn Crisis’ Gospel of the Witches announces contribution to “The Healing Monsters” benefit anthology for Dustin LaValley and Katherine Ludwig; adds two NY performances in March with KARYN CRISIS’ GOSPEL OF THE WITCHES

Karyn Crisis’ Gospel of the Witches announces contribution to “The Healing Monsters” benefit anthology for Dustin LaValley and Katherine Ludwig; adds two NY performances in March with KARYN CRISIS’ GOSPEL OF THE WITCHES

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Karyn Crisis- best known for her trademark melodic singing and growling roars as the vocalist of CRISIS (1993-2006) and EPHEL DUATH (2011-2014) – is a multi-layered artist, who in addition to her vocal talents, has already established herself as a respected painter, leatherworker and more. Most recently, Karyn announced that she will contribute a written piece, entitled “Angels In The Ashes”, to The Healing Monstersbenefit anthology for Dustin LaValley and Katherine Ludwig. Metal Maniacs co-founder and former editor, Katherine Ludwig, has been battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and dark fiction writer, screenwriter, and metal/hardcore enthusiast, Dustin LaValley, has been struggling with Crohn’s/IBD issues; all proceeds from The Healing Monsters (above production) will be split evenly between LaValley’s and Ludwig’s respective medical funds.

In regards to her contribution to this collection of metal-horror poetry and prose, Karyn comments:

“When Shawn Macomber asked me to contribute something to Katherine Ludwig’s cause, I was honored and thrilled to give something back to a woman who’s given so much to the Metal music community. I consider that each action we take sends out a resonance, so with my piece I made an offering of strength to a woman who already symbolizes that very idea to many other people…

‘Angels In the Ashes’ is based around a stanza I wrote when I was 15 years old, as I was ruminating on the limitations of the physical body while I struggled with my own disease. In adulthood, I’ve perceived that within my greatest personal weakness can be found my deepest strength, simply trying to draw my attention into myself where it lay dormant, awaiting our reunion.”

Shawn Macomber, co-editor of The Healing Monsters and contributor to Decibel Magazine, Fangoria, Rue Morgue, etc., adds:

“I’ve been a fan of Karyn Crisis’ vision and music for nearly twenty years now, so when Kriscinda over at Despumation first gave The Healing Monsters the green-light, Karyn was high on my ‘reach’ list of contributors. I mean, we’re talking about a singular, fearless artist imbued with a very real, very potent vitality and power — if that’s not the sort of individual you’d want standing alongside you while attempting to in some small way confront the forces of darkness and disease, I don’t know who is. Anyway, to my great surprise and elation, Karyn was eager to help and her poem was predictably wonderful. That this anthology will arrive roundabout the same time she once again demolishes expectations and boundaries via the stunning new album ‘Salem’s Wounds’ is merely coincidence, though a happy one!”

The Healing Monsters will be released in March with a pre-order available soon. For more information, please visit:

Karyn Crisis will return this spring with a new project, KARYN CRISIS’ GOSPEL OF THE WITCHES, and consequent album, Salem’s Wounds. Due out March 9th in Europe and March 10th in North America via Century Media Records, Salem’s Wounds contains 13 tracks recorded by Karyn together with Davide Tiso (EPHEL DUATH), Ross Dolan (IMMOLATION), Mike Hill (TOMBS) and Charlie Schmid (VAURA). For a first preview of Salem’s Wounds, check out the new track, “Mother”:

Salem’s Wounds was financed by fans via websites like Indiegogo/Etsy and was recorded at The Basement Recordings in North Carolina with producer Jamie King (BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME, THE CONTORTIONIST); the album cover was painted by Karyn herself. See below for the complete album track-listing.

Salem’s Wounds track-listing:

1. Omphalos
2. The Alchemist
3. Ancient Ways
4. Aradia
5. Mother
6. Father
7. Goddess Of Light
8. Howl At The Moon
9. Pillars
10. The Secret
11. Salem’s Wounds
12. The Sword And The Stone
13. The Ascent

In support of this upcoming release, KARYN CRISIS’ GOSPEL OF THE WITCHES will perform two special shows in New York this March. See below for all dates.


March 28 – Trick Shot Billiards and Music Hall – Clifton Park, NY
March 29 – Saint Vitus – Brooklyn, NY




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