Luna Rise Video premire on Legacy Magazin

Luna Rise Video premire on Legacy Magazin

- in Video

Follow Luna Rise on the dance floor next fullmoon with their brand new video release – “Dancing With Tears in My Eyes” – released on friday, april the 22nd, and exclusively premiered on Legacy Magazin.

Luna Rise are back! Having released two masterfully produced music videos (Dead Alley, Valentine), and their critically acclaimed debut-effort “Dark Days & Bright Nights” the self-proclaimed “Heart-Rockers” now reveal quite literally – the crude truth. No overly special film location, no casted actors and no make-up at all. More than ever before do Luna Rise offer a glimpse behind the curtains of the recording-process.


For the first time the moonstruck rockers present their interpretation of a cover-song. The title “Dancing with Tears in my Eyes” orignially by the 80s-classic rock icons “Ultravox” is being re-shaped and modelled following the unique blend that gives Luna Rise their signature sound. Ye be warned – tears are gonna be shed.

Additional info:
The release of their debut album Dark Days & Bright Nights in 2015 via NRT-Records was followed by positive reception and acclaim from fans and the press alike. Luna Rise so beautifully crafted an interplay of passionate Melodic-Rock and full-on Dark-Rock which won the hearts of fans all over the globe. Already in their founding year in 2011, Luna Rise built up a loyal following with the release of the debut-EP “Smoking Kills, But Love Can Break A Heart”.

Now, after their previous music video release to the song “Valentine” (2014), Luna Rise now invite you to come and dance under the moonlight by releasing their most recent motion picture effort for their Ultravox cover “Dancing With Tears In My Eyes”.

Inital ideas and concept for the video were developed by bandleader Chris Divine, who also supervised production and editing of the project.

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