MAD PARISH “Procession” review

MAD PARISH “Procession” review

- in Reviews

MAD PARISH “Procession”

MAD PARISH comes from Canada and existing since 2006, but their first full-length release saw the light of a day just now in 2014. And I must say it’s really excellent debut!!! Their music is not like others Canadian heavy metal bands (CAUCHEMAR, SKULL FIST, CAULDRON…). Melodic riffs, classic guitar harmonies in NWOBHM’s vein, catchy rock-oriented melodies. Seriously… Some tracks have reminded to me radio-friendly rock bands like NICKELBACK, especially in choruses, and I want to say it’s really cool!!! Some parts on the album sounds like nowadays retro-hard bands such as ORCHID, especially the song “To Build a Fire”, just like it was created for stoner-radio. The disadvantages of album include some raw and amateur sound and obvious production. The band is clearly needs a good producer and serious label. So, their potential is too high for wretched vegetating!


band’s FB

(c) Acid Zombie



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