Malevolent Creation former vocalist, Brett Hoffmann, passed away

Malevolent Creation former vocalist, Brett Hoffmann, passed away

- in News, R.I.P.

Malevolent Creation former singer Brett Hoffmann, passed away. He was diagnosed with colon cancer.

His wife Kimberly Karan Hoffmann writes on Facebook: Today is the saddest day of my life I just lost my soul mate the love of my my best friend has passed away I will always love u Bret Malev Hoffmann RIP my love ❤❤.

A statement from Hoffmann posted in April: Hello everyone!! I am still in hospital attached to a double pick IV line they installed in me the other day otherwise they have to move the little IV lines every four days, and between all the bags of med going in and the bloodwork everyday my hands were becoming green and blue bruise zonesThe blood thinners help with that.. I will fill in more of this messed up story when I get out. I have been in Hospital for almost 2 weeks now, I’ve had a MAJOR surgery, many procedures and tests. Have not eaten that entire time and have not even smelled the outside air in that time. I am however progressing forward. They do want me out so that I can go home and heal and rehab. That may take weeks, after that they have a treatment they are confident in for my cancer, I know I have a long road and life has changed. I will still finish new album and do music, I just have a bit more important task at hand for the near future. This,so far, has been the most trying ,painful,torturous event that has EVER happened to me. I am on the battle wagon and I’m rolling!!! My wife Kim has been a rock for me!!! I love her with all my heart!!! My very close friends have all been battling with me and I’ve needed that support. LISTEN if you have not been to a Doctor,especially in years. GET TO ONE ASAP!! Don’t think your too cool or shit won’t happen to you cuz I promise you will find your self in a world of hurt! My shit was huge and they still got it in time to help me.I see older people here dealing with this and they are fucked, mass pain meds and life is a bed for now on in their lives. Get to a doctor PLEASE! I don’t want to see my Family,friends or fans go through anything like this EVER. I will be back, I will post here and there, I will def let you guys know when they spring me from this hospital (my doctors kick ass) Thank you all for the love and I love you all back!!!!!




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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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